If you downloaded the new maps like me yesterday and went to forge first you find that how few idems they have for the BIGGEST map in the game.
Yeah, and the double boxes and watchtowers and gigantic. They dont want to allow us too many items. Biggest map with biggest amount of people with massive amounts of items = lagtacular.
Only 16 Wall pieces? Sure our 360s can handle more then 16 wall pieces... And only 8 Corners? I don't get it I've never got the reason why we can only place a certain amount of items? I understand the price on the itmes and spending limit but why limit specific items by a certain amount?
I always thought the 360 could take more aswel. Even foundry could do without the item limit. But to be fair halo is really laggy alot as it is. I suppose more items could only make it worse.
Well, this is getting offtopic, but I think there should be no item limit per item, just an overall limit for objects (scenery.) But, yes. Avalanche could do with more. I mean, it could have been like a limitless foundry, in reality.
I have experienced the reason why Bungie put a budget and item limit: YOUR MAP WILL FAIL TO LOAD. It happened to me, and now I respect those limits. You should too. --dc
8 Wall pieces on Avalanche... 8 Barrier Wall pieces on Avalanche Surely... There can be more than that, on the largest map in the game... That's basically what I said before xD I completely agree...
Now remember chillin, the Foundry is about 1/3rd the size of Avalanche, has zero built in man cannons, very little out of map scenery that needs to be rendered, a smaller roof, no trees, and way, WAY less vehicles. Jesus christ, this is isn't foundry! It has more available items than Standoff, isn't that enough?
The biggest map in the game would mean that we would get LESS pieces, not more. The bigger the map is the more polygons it uses, and thus the less amount of spawnable items
They expect us to forge in the mancannon cave or off the clffs where we have plenty of room to make Lockout type maps. Bungie does the best they can to give us good maps and maps good for forge with the success of foundry. They did the best they could balencing good forge objects with gmaeplay for MM without making lag.
Actually it is not a good thing. Necro posting is when you bump a very old post. You can get reported for it and get an infraction, but I won't report you. =)