Hey people! Im Like 50 newbs from Halo 3 and im looking for a good forge partner. This is some of what I can do- -Effecting Interlocking -Trainee Geo-merging -Great Asthetics(Spelling?) -Decent Map Security(Not Getting Out) Im looking for- -Great interlockers -Good Geo-mergers Just gimme a message or post here Thank you
My forge partner has the red ring of death so until he gets his xbox back from from microsoft I can help you with a few maps Check out the map in my signature. If you think I'm good enough send me a friend request my gamertag is GD BlueDevil.
I might be able to help, if it isn't too late. I am very good at linterlocking, and my geomerging is somewhat skillful. Just PM Skittlemeister0 if you need me to help you with anything.
I'll be on in a couple days. My family is on vacation and I am typing from the labtop we brought. SpaceAge v2 has 99 comments you could be the 100 if you want.