thanx.. your maps are amazing to but ive only every seen your 2.. im a very fast forger and i usually get everything right on the first try so i guess you could call me a machine haha. im gtting better tho i think. maybe and hopfully ill get a feature :'( i thought maybe the way people reacted to bayonetwork and curbstomp id have had 1... but oh well. ill kep forging and forget about that altho thats my inspiration... alot of it anyway.
thank you... could you please go and edit this post and tel me exactly what you like when you get a chance. that would be nice thanx.
Ok The Sewr Pipes Are The Shiznit And The Stairs Are Great I Love The Little Cover Wall Boxes And Stuff Na Dits Got Great Gameplay In My Opinion And Its Another Great Map ! Eevryone Should Download It 10/10
i got a party together and played a 4v4 game on this last night. we destroyed them because they were too busy trying to figure out how you made such amazing looking structures. they really were in awe.
Everything about this map is great. After a quick forgethrough, i saw that you have placed (purposely, or not) some easy-medium jumps along with a few tricks (ie. explosive jump off of fusion coil --> walk along Foundry ledge --> delay jump (to miss the barrier) and land on top of the box (next to the crane)). The coolest thing (although small) was how perfectly the stairs were interlocked with the double box. Either direction you moved, there was no significant bump. They seem to be at the perfect height & distance. Great map = ). 5/5 EDIT: I DL'd V1. What was edited? The double box (above the structure w/ the fusion coil) was kind of messy...unless it was that way to prevent people from jumping. That was probably the only flaw i discovered... it might also be the one thing you fixed.
yes he AC was fixed and you cant escape the map thats as far as you can get and its not a problem at all if people get there... thank you much for the long reply im glad you acually looked at it b4 you commented.
Im really disappointed with forgehub right now... it seems as if the good maps are sinking down the forums very fast, and people dont comment on them or something... i've also noticed that the rating system is starting to get abused but thats a different story... anyway, i still havent had a full game on this yet, but i played it for like 5 minutes 2 on 2, nothing wrong with it at all. the map plays flawlessly (for 2 v 2 at least) i didnt experience any spawn issues at all and the map is very balanced. its a fun map to play on with great aesthetic quality, period. the map deserves a feature, and a lot more people need to realize that.
Holy Carp!! This map looks frikkin awesome. I'm thuper thereal right now. Gameplay looks amazing on it.
ya but im pretty happy i had over 100 replys on this threas in 2 hours i think.. hope you enjoy your game on my map.
wow blaze, this is so good its sick, 5/5 isnt even good enough, how you took the time to geomerge everything is ridiculous, and the single box's that are glitch sideways are very hard to do, and you mastered this. This is pure awesomeness, and congrats on front page.
i downloaded this map, and after looking through it in forge, everything looked great. awesome interlocking and geoglitching. then i played it with a couple friends, and the gameplay was great and very smooth. awesome map