I have been asked by skittlemeister to make a sig tutorial showing how i make my sigs. Here is the one for my phoenix wright sig. Hope you like. Feel free to post your sigs made from this tutorial. If you would like to make this sig here are the renders. phoenix here c4d here smudges settings The size is 400 x 125. Forgot to mention.
It's a good tut but the only thing that bugs me is the pen tool line. Idk why but the color of it just looks different than the rest of the sig. If I use the tut I'll edit in my results. Nice job.
One problem: I use GIMP. It is OK, though. I have gotten better. This will help those with photoshop.
Pretty good tutorial man. I see you had to copy me. lol I'm gonna try this one out and give you my outcome in like an hour. Heres my outcome:
Wow thats a pretty good sig =] I might make a sig like this but with different colours and renders .. Good tut ! =]
Good C4D choice sick. But i would suggest adding a border and maybe make the text stand out a bit more. Need help with that? Go here.