Like Knight said a remake of Coagulation and I would really enjoy and appreciate a reamake of Headlong and then a brand new map for forging on which supposably it is supposed to be called purple reign
I like your idea of a water map .. There could be two bases and a huge gap in the middle filled with water and you need vehicles with turrets to get to the other side .. and sniper towers were you can snipe the vehicles .. That'll be great for a capture the flag .. And i would like another forge map :]
Blood Gulch, Battle Creek, Ascension, Midship, Headlong, Foundation, Relic, Hang 'em High, Turf and Terminal all deserve remakes. I would enjoy something new as well though. Btw, even if Bungie did make a water-based map, there wouldn't be new vehicles. I agree with the new foundry but i bet it won't happen.
Yay though, at least they are discussing the foundry idea, and why post something if you are definately saying no.
Why do people always want more remakes? We've played those maps hundreds of times. Why would you want to play it more when you could get a new map with new experiences?
I think the only new remake i want is Headlong because we need a city type map and i think it would be great for forgeing all together. And then i wouldnt mind having some new maps instead of more remakes because im getting tired of seeing them.
because I love some maps and I want to play them more, but I do not want to go to Halo 2 to play Ascension
Oh, I bet it will happen: X Foman123 x asks: The forums have been abuzz with requests for a new “Foundry”-style map that is larger, outdoors, and better suited for creating maps for large parties, are there any discussions about a larger, more open map for from-the-ground-up Forge creations? Last time someone asked a question about this there were entire legions of upset e-folks because we didn’t give them a straight answer. Thankfully, your question is so laser-focused on the “discussions” about a new Foundry-style map so I can give you an answer - Yes, there are discussions about Foundry-style maps. This was copied from Bungie Weekly Update 7/25/08. Link --> : Inside Bungie : News <-- Link
What I know/ think about the mythic map pack: FROM A BUNGIE TESTER WHO CORRECTLY CALLED THE DETAILS OF THE LEGENDARY MAP PACK BEFORE RELEASE Also bungie has already stated that purple reign is a completely original map, and I think we can deduce from the info given that it is a covenant themed arena style map. This may also be a picture of it: If this actually is a picture of the map then I picture that part being the center and the ramps featured in the picture being the rest of the outside of the map that goes around the main center structure. If this is true that would be a pretty sick layout especially for a flag map. It seems like a cross between derelict and midship, and if the map is anything like the mental image I have of it, it will be amazing. This bungie description kind of fits in along the lines of what I was thinking except for the part that what I'm imagining wouldn't exactly be an open air arena: Now back to midship, assuming they don't change it up color scheme wise it will also be a covenant map which would give us potentially a covenant themed map pack. This would be fantastic considering we have zero covenant halo 3 maps. Whats also promising is the potential for a covenant forge map. This would be an excellent way to redo foundry because covenant maps look completely different from foundry and you could hopefully have some unique objects. Plus we have this quote from the last update: Now while this is all sort of wishful thinking there is a good potential for a bunch of what I said to be true. Lets just hope bungie doesn't **** things up.
Vietnam style with grass 10 feet high, with wodden shacks, a bamboo sniper tower, and a small creek running through it and a dense forest surrounding it, so dense you cant get out. Crashed phantom near it to tie it in with halo. It was a phantom that crashed into earth and we fought off the survivors
they need a rectangular level that's almost a square, but stait walls. and tons more scenery like boxes, walls, signs, ect.
I'm definately not sure about what I'm about to say but I think the Mythic Map Pack may include Purple Reign, A re-make of Midship and a Foundry-styled map too. Bungie have already said that their will be many more multiplayer maps for Halo 3 in the future so if we don't get our water-based map yet, Bungie might consider creating it later. No promises though...
I would want a bigger sandbox map, like foundry. Also, I would like an environmental map that would rain and hail for example, and there would be FX balls controlling it. And you could set one to not set at start and when that one spawns the one before cancels. I would also like a Boarding Action or Rats Race remake.
haha very creative with the bubble shield underwater idea but i doubt they would introduce a new type of vehicle for just 1 map but who knows maybe that was part of the E3 secret that they didn't tell us! As for teh underwater map idea(you got my attention ) i would make it like a sinking pelican that has certain places that are submerged and some that aren't...awesome!
They made a special vehicle for sandtrap..... Yeah they would need a way to tie in the halo theme so a sunken pelican as well as maybe sunken phantom would be nice. oh and the phantom has a small little air pocket.
what id like is a foundry like map without a budget or item limits because by now most good maps use those so idk y bungie dont change it a vehical map and a really big map also that both of them have more items that are used like boxes and walls id change the pelican to a cruiser so theres more room we should send this to bungie
I Think that we need 2 large cruisers, a covenant one and a UNSC one flying above the clouds with like jet landings and bridges across from each other so that u can walk across. and each have like 2 hornets and 2 banshees, and control bridge where u can look out of windows and see whats going on. and there would be other rooms like storage room, the main commander office sleeping quarters and stuff like that, But of course a engine room like for CTF where the flag is and assault for whre u plant the bomb and a big huge armoury on both ships. If they made that, it would be like sooooooooooooooooooooooo cool and definetly like all **NEW** Forge objects. Like it would be suuuuuuuuuuuuuupaaaaaaaaaaaa coooooooooooooool!! lol OR maybe if someone could help me build maybe like a prototype version on avalanche. Any replys to this post, Send me a message.
Dreams: 1. a map from the level the storm with the attackers in a scarab and defenders at the base with the missile pods and such. 2. two ships in space, covenant and human, with about 4 banshees in one and 4 hornets in another, maybe a pelican or phantom, and have they huge ships pilotable. 3. a large btb map but with phantoms and pelicans. it could just be a large map maybe like a desert in the middle of a sandstorm. 4. D-day. attackers could come in on some sort of ship and then climb a huge wall to get to the defenders. now onto the things that might actually happen... 1. a huge foundry-like map except without a roof and much more objects. 2. a map like headlong except more new york city like with big skyscrapers and suspension bridges. 3. blood gulch. i just had to say it.