Arctic Freeroam Must use with the RaceTracks gametype. Arctic Freeroam is a mirror track on Avalanche. It has lots of open space that you can pick your own path through, hint the name 'Freeroam'. These 2 things make it less likely to have big crashes that ruin the race. It is also completely uncheatable. Racers must use the terrain to their advantage to win this race. ^Click for picture slideshow Full Description: The race starts out in both the bases. 4 mongooses are in one base and 4 are in the other. After 10 seconds mancannons spawn and push the crates up. Sometimes the crates don’t go up when the mancannons spawn so a fusion coil falls after 10 seconds and encourages them up. A barricade stops it from falling again. There are also starting lights. After the crates have gone up, you drive into the base mancannon. This sends you into a system made out of shield doors and a grav lift that will make you land safely. You then drive off in the direction of the cliff. You go over a ramp and turn away from the big middle arc. You then turn again and drive back towards the base. You then drive around under the mancannons leading up to the base and out along the line of boxes. Do not go into the caverns. They just lead to the other side and don’t work as a shortcut. After driving all the way down towards the middle arc, you drive onto a big ramp. At the top of the ramp is a banked turn that leads under the middle arc. This is where both paths cross over through the objective. The paths don’t collide; they go next to each other. After going through the objective you repeat the course on the other side minus the starting stretch. The paths throughout the track are very, very open. They are so open you can pick your own path if you think it’s faster or to get around a crash. Hint the name ‘Freeroam’. There are multiple paths, each with it’s own advantages and disadvantages. For example some ways are easier but take longer. All routes lead in the same direction and you can’t take shortcuts. The whole track is also completely uncheatable. If you find a way to cheat, tell me. All shortcuts have been blocked off. You may think going through the cavern is a shortcut but all it those is take you to the same place on the other side making you lose time. Mancannons, grav lifts and shield doors stop mongooses from parking on the objective. The objective is also covered in teleporters that send you to a random receiver throughout the map. From there you make your way back to the base. That is the price of cheating. Throughout the track there are also receiver nodes that point out the track. Walls are behind the receivers so you can see them on the snow. It is advised that you do a few laps before doing serious races. It may be a bit confusing the first time you race it. Screenshots: Individual pics (with more detail) are shown in the slideshow above. Map location: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Gametype location: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Join our RaceTracks Group HaloTracks
hm, seems very intricate. It looks very different to a lot of the other race tracks available. One of the reasons I barely ever venture into the Race Tracks Sub-Forum is that the majority of maps involve risks. IMHO risks do not work.
WOW map looks great another great race map to add to the collection and ill definatley download this map no questions asked
I'd be worried about one side having a flaw over the other. Usually even if it wasn't right on it'd still be about fair because the person could crash on obstacles. This track just seems like straightaways though, meaning that it would matter a little more on which side you spawned on.
looks pretty unique, I don't think I've seen something like this before. Very nice job. I'll check it out and give feedback when I can.