Salvation came... But time flows like a river, and history repeats itself... Created by Big Boy 2013 See parts 3, 2, and 1 for more info. Part 3 has the links: Ten years after the last Gralle leader was destroyed, sightings were again seen all over the icy planet. They even made starships, and have breached and destroyed the main town that homed the OMEGA team. The last remaining people in that village must fight to survive... Five hours and help will finally come... But holding them off is not as easy as it seems, these Gralle are much stronger then the first ones, but they have taken the observatory, and have spawned a portal to lead them there... They wish not to leave anyone alive. Overview You must live 5 minutes, and you are saved. The map has nothing special, except I geomerged almost everything, and made it look like the rest of the geometry as much as possible. The zombies spawning place is impossible to spawn kill them. The village was supposed to be attacked at night, so I gave it a nice nightvision fx. Gametype The zombies have 10% damage resitance, but 4x overshield, so it is pretty hard to kill them. They have a sword and a laser to destroy campers, so beware, this might just be the hardest 5 minutes of your life. (But still not the hardest yet...) Starting zombies (25%) get a shotgun instead of a laser. Description I increased the siding on the buildings, so the walkways are much longer, so high elevation can help the Gralle spot their prey... Aton of stuff is geomerged, but not interlocked. Trust me, you might just have trouble deciphering between map parts and forge parts. The whole walkways were also changed so the mongeese the humans get can more easily get aroudn the map too. I also added scenery behind the walls that must be turret glitched for even a nicer destroyed village effect. The zombies start in a building with fence walls, then shield dorrs to block spawn killers. To reduce it even more, they can either go throught the "chute" that leads them straight out the door, or go into the teleport that can lead to any of the five teleports. Pictures This is a part of the siding, with a bridge and barricades that were accuratley placed to create a seamless, larger walkway: A close up of the walkway to show you the precision level: This is one of the interlocked places, (notice, the barrier near the back is not part of the map, it was put there.): This is the biggest building, with the barrier part I fixed up a bit (Remember I tried to make the map look as original as possible, but add tons more cover.): This is the back of the barriers: Near the pipe tunnels, is more geomerging. Everything here but the movable objects and the wooden ramp is geomerged: Another geomerged place, the watchtower base and the practically hidden short barrier in the dirt mound are not part of the map: This is another view of that same spot so you can also see the single open box: This is ANOTHER goemerged spot on the map, near the broken wall: Heres more of the walkway, and the ramp near the end that goes up into the air, like a floating platform: This is the bridge over the bridge opening in the bottom, with fence walls for a gate feel, and a ramp for vehicle access. There is also more barricades near the edge of the bridge to the right: The human base is wide open, has 3 mongeese for "scouting", and a small single open box armory with a handful of useful weapons: This is one of the sides of the zombie base. It is in the building with the broken floor, and is innaccesible for humans. Two ways out, no way in: This is the FX used on the map. It is just olde timey to give a nightvision feeling: There are also a few things I have not shown, but are not very important. Also, there are things in the air, if you wonder why those were put there, you wont know just yet... Comments If you thought Part 3 was the last part of the series, upon request, the series continues... Part 5 is already being made... Links Download Death Story P4 Map Download DSP 4 Gametpye Link will be in my signature in case you want to postpone the download, but dont want to go searching for it in the map section.
Looks pretty good, but just don't like how much open default of ghost town there could of added a little bit more objects on the map.
looks like an advanced version of ghost town. needs a tiny bit of interlocking in the 4th pic but other than that bungie shouldve put this map instead of ghost town but of course it was kinda pointless. 3.5/5
Its pretty good but... Making a ghost town map is easy, making a GOOD one is hard. You did a great job! 4/5
i like how in all the death stories the map and setting changes. it keeps you waiting for the next one thinking what map will he use next. nice map 5/5
I really don't see how this map is going to make Ghost town any better, because, well, its a bad map anyway... Although I give you 5/5 for your attempt for making it better But a 2/5 for succeeding... 3.5/5...
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Community Reviewer: I Carter I =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Map Review- Description: 5/5 Pictures: 5/5 Map Idea: 3/5 Map Quality {layout}: 3/5 Map Quality {looks}: 3/5 Comments: Sorry. I don't mean to be harsh but you basically just added a load of stuff to Ghost Town. Some of it skillfully done, with geomerging etc.,but some of it a bit messy. It feels like you just added the stuff for the sake of it- it doesn't really add any interesting or unique gameplay. Overall: 3/5 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ~I Carter I Want another map reviewed? Want to become a reviewer? Message me.
well the map looks ok but i cant tell if your bad at interlocking or your trying to make the place look decreped. 3/5 for the bad interlocking or 4/5 if you did it on purpous. i'll say 3.5/5 edit: i will say 4/5 because the storyline in the description gives it that extra depth