I know how to do everything in Forge. The only problem I have is Geo Merging into the floor. It either falls through the floor or goes crooked, then I try to correct it and then it falls through the floor. Could anyone offer some tips on how to prevent this. I've tried everything. I mean literally everything. This is what I mean.
Don't use the door method. Set up your "pushing object" and guides. Grab the box to be merged and don't let go of it. As soon as it sinks into the ground save and quit without letting go. Load up your map again and observe your wonderful perfect geo merge at the precise height you wanted. Log into forge hub to give mallet rep for being awesome and showing you how contrary to popular belief, the door method is inferior. Watch a film or listen to some music. Go to bed.
Ok Mallet, that's the first Geo merge guide without pics I actually understood. I'll +rep you when I get unwarned in 2 months =]
Well, it's not an exact science, it never turns out the same. I use the door, cause everytime I use the pushing method, it fails. I just can't get it right. I notice your "braces" are set up odd. I just stand Sender nodes next to it, or sometimes use left over doors. I set 4 doors up for double boxes, 2 for single, and grab the tear drop thingy, while looking from above. I give it a couple more taps to make it straight. If it won't get straight, start over. Pull the box out, and do it again. Or save right before you merge, and just load again. Everytime is a different result, you just ahve to be patient.
Its the same as the door method except you use other objects. Interlock an immovable object in place of the doors and continue as you usually would. The difference it that unlike doors, other objects such as boxes have large surfaces to ensure things don't merge crooked and you can interlock the "pushing" object at any height so you only have to merge things once.
Interlock one box. Merge it. Finished. VS. Place four doors. Merge. Save just in case it goes wrong. Adjust all four doors. Merge. Save just in case it goes wrong. Adjust all four doors again. Save just in case it goes wrong. Damn it went crooked then fell through the floor. Thank goodness I saved it so I don't waste time. repeat. Finished. Door method is very useful.. but not for simple box in floor geo merges.
I'll try some more tips, but the way you suggested Mallet, didn't work. It just merged into the box above it (pushing it in) and it just came out. I tried for about 2 hours, and it didn't work, Sorry Mallet =[
My advice is when you are trying to get something into the ground and you have to push it in at least 3 times. I reccomend using the old method
Thanks a ton! After reading this i saw Shock's guide and I was like Oh that's what Mallet was talking about! Thanks! This will really help me in my later maps