Hello. I need help on making aesthetics. Well, what I mean is can someone post something easy I can make on my map, don't worry, I'll give you credit. You can post a picture of something you made in game, something out side of Halo 3, or, just write an idea of something to make, like a pickle or a car. Thanks. Ideas: I'm on it, I'm not even joking. Ok, I'll try the airplane and pyramid, and I'll be sure to try including the sloped roof in any of my maps which includes a building of some sort. Oh, the Pickle car was a joke, and the Y-Wing was made before I think. I'll try. Pictures: Dill Mobile: Two Prototypes: Look! It Moves: Prototype on High Ground: Pyramid: Here's a Prototype:
Lol How about an airplane, pyramid or evan a sloped off roof would make your map possably play great and look great!
Pickle Car: I'm not seeing the pickle... Pyramid: Nice on the outside, but what's it look like inside? Oh, and it looks like you could use some geomerging... As for ideas, give me a Y Wing a la Star Wars. Shouldn't be too difficult, and I'd imagine it'd work best on Avalanche...
I can't see much pickle in the pickle car but the pyramid is cool. Will the pyramid be empty in the middle? As for ideas you should make the death star that shoots lasers!