This is my First attempt at an actual Photoshop With that stated its on to my Sig... This took me around 2 hours to complete.. I started thinking about what Reynbow said in my other thread. How all my signatures were just pictures with borders and Text. This one was fun to make and its a start. I know im not the best at photoshop but this is pretty advanced for me considering im just getting into the program. The image I used to make this was I understand I still croped it out but i added effects and messed around with it further.... I would like some construtive critisim.. Remeber Im new to the program so dont use terms that I won't understand.. thanks
Looks realy nice I wish you made the sige larger so you could use more of that "end all war" pic but Sig space is valuable and it still looks great none the less. : ] 10/10
Did you make that from scratch? Or was there a base or something. Sorry, don't know how this works. But it's impressive either way.
Its nice but maybe once you learn more about photoshop. You could make the soldier in front stand out a little more. But good job anyway.
that looks really great. i like how everything looks so clean together. i wouldnt mind having that as my sig to because i really like it.
not great you havent done much to the stock and the splatter on the left doesnt flow. you might want to look at some tutorials online
I have been looking at tutorials online and I did do alot to the side its just not noticible from the size i added. I burn't the hell out of it I motion blured it etc stuff like that plus i dont know what to serch for in a tutorial
well a good place to start is on the planet renders forums, you need to register but its worth doing here
Alright bro. Heres my take on it. First of all, sharpen it up. It's hella blurry. Secondly, theres no focal. The little explosion or w/e the fck it is stands out more than the actual person. Also, don't just add a few brushes/burn/dodge in random areas. You have to take consideration as to where they would work and look good. And you have to remember, even if you did do stuff like that you can't just push it off and say "It's just not noticeable." The point is to make it noticeable. And lastly, the text. Just because you like a font doesn't mean its gonna look good on the sig. Next time find a font that fits in and has a good placement. Try not to put it over the focal or just throw it off in the corner. Tuts are ftw. Keep practicing.