Race Standard Gametype?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Ray Benefield, Jan 25, 2008.

  1. Ali Legend

    Ali Legend Ancient
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    Yep RACETRACKS is the standard now. Why is this still stickied?
  2. DracoStraybyrn

    DracoStraybyrn Ancient
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    Thanks for using our GameType even though most of you don't like us. =]

    God forbid we come to peace. Lol. =p
  3. RacoonSniper 13

    RacoonSniper 13 Ancient
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    not sure is some1 has mentioned this but y cant the scoring area be in the exact same spot...like.. y can vip scoring areas be stacked
  4. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Well, there is now two different kinds of Halo 3 racing.. Traditional racing and as some of you already know Battle Racing! It's an exciting new twist on the old formula. The game type has been really polished and is very exciting and rewarding for people who work well together with a partner. Enough talk! You have to see this for yourself.. Here is the official game variant: Battle Tracks
    #64 x DREAM 76 x, Aug 27, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2008
  5. killer200O

    killer200O Ancient
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    Battle Tracks, the racing community who loves to leech off of all HT's publicity by being a "sister group" Its ok dream, but seriously, that wasn't very cool.
  6. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Wow, get over it dude.. I have not seen you make a race map or play a race game in a long time. Your just mad because your group is not getting all the attention anymore. Too bad.. Maybe you should go lobby sit some more.
  7. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    I have no idea what your question is.. I want to help answer it. Can you explain what you mean by stacking them.
  8. smitty0018

    smitty0018 Ancient
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    The gametype RACETRACKS is great for race maps. It's the gametype used by halotracks.org so it has to be reliable.

    Here's a link to the gametype if you'd like to check it out. It's perfectly suited for racing maps.

    HaloTracks - Gametype

    *Note: I do not take any credit at all for this gametype. It was created by c u l8er for halotracks.org.
  9. Patchwork V2

    Patchwork V2 Ancient
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    Use the Halotracks racing gametype.
  10. loco

    loco Ancient
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    "Racetracks" is the by far the most widely used gametype. It has been on community favorites, and was on the top 10 most played for many months after that.

    It's backed by the largest, and most active racing community that has been setting standards for Halo 3 racing since forever. There should be no debate to this.

    Plus, it's a strictly racing gametype. Any other extra stuff such as is not traditional racing and requires a bit more past the "get on your own team" stuff.
  11. FrieMore

    FrieMore Ancient
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  12. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    I use the battletracks gametype set because I like the fact that I don't hafta change anything. The racetracks gametype was set to 50 laps the last time I saw it, and no one wants to do 50 laps with friends. Ten is a good even number for one on one racing, and the team racing gametypes are set up nicely as well. Dream has continually updated his gametypes to please the battletracks community and now has them as perfect as can be without Bungie stepping in to change things themselves.

    Having said that, I don't really see why this thread is here. A bunch of people arguing over what gametype is better? Bashing each other and whatnot? This thread, in no way, is ever going to get everyone to agree on one gametype. People are going to play whichever one they like best. Therefore, this thread has no point, and IMO should be locked.

    A good idea for a sticky thread in the Race Map forum would be a list of the different racing gametypes with a short description for each (Battletracks, Racetracks, AnF Racing, etc) so that people can see what is available and choose the one they think they would have the most fun with. No fighting or opinions. Just straight facts.
    #72 ShaddoBlade, Feb 1, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2009
  13. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    the current racetracks gametype i have on my hardrive is ten laps. IDK why yours would be 50
  14. Crusadermike

    Crusadermike Ancient
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    I would just say you take original vip, turn off scoring (except for getting to the objective point, -1 for assassination) base players spawn with invulnerability, 50 speed, 200 gravity (so that you can't break some people's maps), no grenades, start with a magnum or some useless weapon (unless you want battling on it then tweak it a little with the weapons), make vip able to drive full use, and make it so that every player is on their own team (1 per mongoose, 8 mongooses, 8 people total). Also, have the goal setting to move every 10 seconds (so that it enable the multiple usage of only one goal point in the same spot so the game will work for more than one lap just as long as the map is not so short and boring that it takes less than 10 seconds for a lap lol). From there on it depends on the map itself. Starting points be right on the mongooses and close enough so when you load the game you just gotta hold RB or whatever button depending on your settings to drive (as long as it's in a row and you can do this, assassinating is impossible while on your mongoose), make sure the goal point has only one way to get to it (like you can't back up into it) and you could use mancannons, instant spawn gravity lifts, ramps + jumps, or whatever works, and make sure your goal point spawn + player spawns are set up right (the 8 seperate teams have a spawn point). Well I think that covers all the essentials on the gametype and map variant, you may also tweak the number of rounds, time limit, number of lives (if they should respawn if the fall off the map or die somehow), what weapons you should have if you do battling along with damage modifier/resistance/shields, vip traits able to have full use on vehicles or only passenger (if you have teams of 2 pair up like for racing and fighting on the track), and most importantly in my opinion would be the goal limit.
    Just to pitch in, I think 1 round is fine, 3 goal is fine, 3 minutes (one per lap) is fine, and everything else specified should make for a very neutral/standardly friendly race track map for race track maps that have been made unbreakable scoring wise. Thanks for reading, and also I wanna say I think anyone that wants to make their own setting would be just fine as long as you know what to put (Hope it helps!).
  15. Wolverine

    Wolverine Ancient
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    yes its a great idea and maybe not give the players lighter or hevier gravity
  16. Cheeeeese

    Cheeeeese Ancient
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    Don't HaloTracks.com use one?
  17. killer200O

    killer200O Ancient
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  18. pinnball

    pinnball Ancient
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    heya i have recently joined this site and was wondering how people actually play the maps on the xbox, cause there is no way to search for the map whilst match making or maybe there is a way to download it to the xbox, can sombody help me out....cheers :)
  19. NEMESIS94

    NEMESIS94 Ancient
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    no damage can be done, three rounds ,VIP can drive, pistols or plasma pistols if want it a bit more casual and one life so if you fall your out.
  20. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Hey Insane or Shock can you please lock or delete this thread. It is worthless and having it as a sticky makes this site look like it's in the past. The two standard game variants are RaceTracks and Battle Tracks. The options have been optimized to the max. Nothing else can be done. Please lock this thread now. It is really an eyesore. Thanks.

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