So, I was out on a map called "Hard Zombies", where you spawn with alot of vehicles on SandTrap and only have a few seconds to get into those vehicles before...they come...but it happend to be that all but one of us escaped that time and we made our convoy of Warthogs and a Ghost (stupid ghost...). Here's our Story. It all started out well...we made a convoy and started our patrol... But soon...They startd to infiltrate our lines... Soon enough there was only one of us left...driving for his life.... All in all, no one survived the 10 min...sad...
yeah that was kinda funny, i have played this map before and it was fun because i was the last one and got kiltacular splatter before the zombies ended my fun
Yeah. Those are nice screenshots, but before Foundry came out, almost all the custom games was zombies with tons of vehicles on Sandtrap. And the zombies had 300% speed, no shields, and 50% gravity. It always just ends up with a warthog being left.