Congrats Congrats on the feature. I don't know how, but I've missed this map until now. I am downloading now. Totally new looking structure, unique feel, I really like the looks of this one.
This map looks phenomenal. The layout blows my mind. I really like the center strucutre its looks very cool. The floor looks very smooth and the interlockings on the entire map are perfect. This map is amazing. And its earned my download.
Don't let it's small size fool you this map rocks! My friends and i have been playing this map for weeks now glad to see it has finally been featured. Any one that like close quaters combat will love this map. I suggest stickies, shotties, and swords.
i looks okay. Not one of the best featured maps ive seen. Theres really not much too it except for the middle with the custom powerup. 3.5/5. Ok job.
2 things old granny. One: Post after playing. It's this nice little thing that gives you credibility in your posts, you know...playing the map. It is really easy to make an ass of yourself via the internet when you say something while being completely ignorant about it... Not trying to be a complete ass, but seriously, you have no idea what you are talking about. The custom power-up, is simply, a toss-in to the greatness that is this map/gametype. I bet you had no idea there was a gametype to it. ANYWAYS... The other thing... Number Two: Your sig shows me that you are 80% completed on a map that goes by the name of "Arcadia." Kind of ironic considering the map maker of the map that is this thread, has made that very map already, It is here. Not trying to be a complete asshole, but this is one of the things that pisses me off most about posts today. I admit, I have done this myself, we all have, but I'm hoping my rant right here and now will get people to realize how ignorant they appear when they do this. Everyone should start following this code: PaP Play and Post That will save everyone a heap of trouble. EDIT: or post after playing =D whatever works... DOUBLE EDIT: Chips says PTP, play then post...but pffft...he is so cwazy...
its about time this is featured i remember playing this map a lot in TGIF and just in custom games with chipsinabox and my other friends. this is such a fun map to play and its fun how some time the game can stalemate right in the middle of the map. great job on the featured map.
great map, i was actuelly playing it with a few FH members earlier today before it got featured +rave on
I was trying to find this map before it was featured to show to my friends because it was so cool. Now I've found it and can finally play it. The aesthetics are awesome and the weapons make it a fair game so none of my friends whine. Good job! 5/5
Awesome map. The Aesthetics are great. I love the center structure. This map has so many cool features and is definitely feature worthy. The game-types are awesome also. Wonderful job. One of my favorite features.
This is a great map one of my favorites. The gameplay in it and just they way it looks and feels is really cool. I was beginnning to think it wasnt going to be featured. Thank god it was!
this is a very cool map i didn't see it before it was featured so i am really surprised cause it is looking like such a cool map well done on the feature chipsinabox
I've been playing this map for ages. The Rave gametypes are as always very fun...and bright. You may experience slight dizzyness and loss of appetite while playing this map...but it is soo worth it. Forged to perfection just don't throw too many people in the map.