I think that bungie should ban elites from team swat because too many people switch to elites just to play team swat because it gives them an advantage. i think that, that should be considered cheating. I think that is very wrong. does anyone else agree?
its not an advantage, their head is just in a different location it you shoot them in the back where their head is, it still counts. i see no problem with it.
Eh, I kind of agree with you. Even though it has been disproved that hitboxes on both classes are the same, the visual box is different. I wish there was an option for multiplayer to chose whether you wanted to play with spartans, elites, or both [default]. And yes, MLG clearly states that matches played as an Elite will count as a forfeit from the team that does it.
Uh, it's not that big of a deal.... I find I do worse as an elite. If you miss the head of the elite, chances are you'll still hit in the chest/critical area, where as a spartan, if you miss the head, the odds of missing the whole target are higher. Really, it isn't to big of a deal. If you don't like it, be an elite yourself.
It sucks to attempt to headshot an Elite from behind, but if the Elite is turned to the side, it is probably the biggest target for headshots, considering how far it sticks out. Just trying to be optimistic. Bungie should have made the Elite raise it's head some, not just crouching down.
omg, finally somone agrees with me. i hate people who do that. i always tell them off after the game, i have some dignity and skill so i don't switch. i like it best when i win by like 10 or more. and then badmouth.
The thing that makes them unfair is that their whole head isn't really their head. Apparently some parts are just colored air. So even if you hit them in their alleged 'head' sometimes it's not really their head.
I laughed so hard at the "playing as an elite should be considered cheating" comments. It sounds so ridiculous. If it bothers you that much, either don't play SWAT or switch to an elite. I do agree with the MLG list though. I'm a bit of an MLG purist. I play as an Elite all the time, except when I play MLG. Banning Elites from any play list is a bit racist. People have the right to play as what ever character model they want, in any play list and at any time they want. Disclamer: Racist in Halo, not real life.
agreed, quit whining and bitching and adapt. You just need to aim lower on an Elite. It's honestly not that hard.
Why don't you be an Elite yourself then, if it's such a big deal. Being a Elite is not cheating, it's just another species... :-D
wow that made absolutely no sense. And just to counter that I wasn't trying to be a bad ass, I suck at Halo for that matter. I just get sick and tired of people always bitching about a GAME because it's "Unfair" you know if it's so "unfair" then quit playing it .... Go outside and play with the other children.
One question for everyone who responded to this thread. What the **** dude? Pointless and trivial. I know a BNet user when I see one and I know a BNet thread when I see one. Why are we entertaining this childs nonsense thread creation? Take your pick...mo·ron [mawr-on, mohr-] –noun a. A person who is notably stupid or lacking in good judgment. b. Psychology. A person of borderline intelligence in a former classification of mental retardation, having an intelligence quotient of 50 to 69. re·tard [ ree-tahrd ] –verb (used with object) Slang: Disparaging.a. A mentally retarded person. b. A person who is stupid, obtuse, or ineffective in some way: a hopeless social retard.
well if you see my video that is no longer on my file share you can clearly see that these elite guys are totally cheating - but it does happen with spartans as well, team snipers yesterday - GRAH!