hi, i really enjoy the forgehub 101 but i cant get interlocking down!! can some one please help me? like in halo some time do a demonstration?? i cant get it right. thanks! -mayor of forge
Who the hell voted you in to office then? Can't even interlock? lol What exactly is it you are having trouble with? It's probably the easiest of all the advanced forging techniques man.
omg, "mayor".. anyways, inter lock boxes= place item where u want it, set to respawn: 60 sec, place at start: no. start a new round. put the other item where you want it to interlock into. wait 60 sec, change settings back to normal, vio la
well since im nice ill show you if you still need any help. my gamertag is COMMANDERMATT1 just send me a friend request and make sure you tell me who you are so i dont just decline the friend request.
Like that one gai sayz: Make a box, set to 60 sec, and set to no, etc. Then, to not have to wait so long, set the box to instant respawn, and the box will respawn. Then set it to no instant.
i was once a noob of interlocking, but if you literally start a map, and try it till it looks nice, you get it faster, better. practice makes perfect. just do it often. it really is crucial
just wondering. can you interlock something and then interlock something else into it, because i was having truoble with that
what do you mean? like interlock the same box into 2 different boxes? its pretty easy. send me a message and i can show you right now my gt is wheezyy
if you want it smooth, heres an example: (this example involves interlocking 2 double boxes to make a longer box that looks normal) Place the first box. Place a bridge on its side with the bottom side touching the box (completely parallel and touching) do the same on top, but the bridge isn't on its side. switch the box's settings to 180 respawn and no start new round get a new [double] box use the bridges as walls to push the box toward go to the box's settings, minimum run limit= amount on map (here, 2) if it is good, delete the bridges. if not, try again. you might want to put a marker (any object) next to the bridge for reference