(yes i know worstest isnt a word) What Do You Think Is The Worst Trilogy Ever? Personally I think it is the Matrix Trilogy.... Why? Well for starters..the first movie was great...had small amounts of stuff that was fake....tahts ok....like jumpin really high and stuff...but it was about breaking rules cheating in real life bending reality..thats pretty cool...there was gun fights the scene where Neo dodges all but one bullet will forever be in parodys.....overall it was a 4 star movie...then what do they do...uh oh...they totally screw it up by making it a big japanese fighting Mortal Kombat movie with less storyline then A Clockwork Orange..and tahts saying something...and what the hell happend to the other 2 agents..it wasnt only smith.....what ever...crappy movie with characters you barely have time to understand who they are...and they die.....the movie was more about neo and trinity's relationship anyhow....then they leave it at a classic cliffhanger "find out next time same bat time same bat channel"...total bull Then the Third Movie wascompletely different from the other 2...this one focused on the ending of the war and Zion...the only thing i can remember very clear in taht movie is everyone dies who the audience has been watching for 5 years and no one who the audience likes alive.....is alive.... In a brief summary The Matrix was a great movie #2 was terrible and #3 wasnt as bad but it wasnt worth the 16 million it took to make it.....
This is hard. I can't think of any. I'm gonna have to go with Home Alone. What are the chances that the same kid gets left alone while his family goes on vacation and the same bad guys go after the kid three times in a row? .000001 out of 100. That's Hollywood for you!
The Butterfly Effect trilogy. The first movie was insane but they had to make a second and completely ruin it for everyone
i like teh matrix, the action scenes were good and i personally like teh ending. there have been better trilogys, but i think that the matrix definetly wasnt in the bad catagorie for me at least
i mean more along the lines of how it started out as a movie then ended up as a soap opera... home alone is a good one mculley culkin ones are the best...HAHA hes adopted his parents dont love him.....i hated when they made a third one...and a fourth and a fifth.....
don't you ever, EVER dis A Clockwork Orange. That is cinematographic perfection. Anyways, I would go with Star Wars Episode I, II, and III. One and two completely sucked balls, but three was good.
Some of them, I wouldnt really classify as a trilogy. IMO, a trilogy of movies are planned. Not like Home Alone, that was just a movie with an equal sequel then followed by a series of terrible movies which defaced the name the first two had created. I cant really think of any, Perhaps the "Scary/Epic/Date" Movies, 1 & 2 were good, 3 was okay, everything else has been appauling, I dont know how anyone would be willing to fund those movies.
I agree linubidix aft. scary movie 3 number 4 just was rancid.... AND I AM NOT DISSIN CLOCKWORK!! I am only saying it didnt have much plot development
Final Destination... Most movie series start out with a good movie, then decline from there. Not this one. How did this even happen? Who paid to watch this junk?
Oh yes I went there. Over rated to the max. If you have big blue eyes and a pure heart you can do anything. Friendship will win against all forces. Other generic good vs evil dribble. Urgh pass me the bucket.
I liked the set of movies...however i can see where you are coming from..they are all about 3 hours long and good vs evil is kind of old i guess...but the way its filmed the heart that al the actors gave....made it great....
spiderman.....nuf said. I'm normally a big fan of Marvel movies, and Iron Man was awesome, along with X-Men, but spiderman ruined it for me, with the whole relationship thing between MJ and Peter....kinda retarted
The Transporter 1, 2, & 3 Oh my god.. The first two were absolutely horrible.. I haven't seen the 3rd one yet, I don't even think it's out yet.. but it will be just as bad as the other two. Guaranteed!!
See....everyones saying how they hated the spiderman trilogy because of one movie...i do think thats unfair...remeber when we all first saw sipiderman 1 in the theatres.....we were all stoked to see a second...same with the second movie....but then the 3rd was too short/too long its had waay to much crap shoved into it and it sucks what happens in the end....
pretty much all have been said here, but for there to be a trilogy, the first two movies have to be worthy enough to even make a sequels. But, then again, people aren't very intelligent regarding this concept and here is my reasoning: I highly dislike the fantastic four movies and if they plan on continuing after their first two terrible excuses for movies, well, that's a shame and it will become my vote for worst trilogy ever. It really shows that most people only need special effects to see a movie... *cough* the matrix reloaded and revolutions *cough* jason statham(lol) *cough* Perhaps Lord of the Rings was a little too serious for your taste.