its spelled "Thor" if you mean the norse god of lightning...anywho the picture is pretty standard, nothing that original...experiment more dude...usually the best pictures are ones that aren't planned for
it looks pretty good, at first i didnt notice the buble but it goes very nice and the effect goes well but i agree that a hammer would work better and make a more realistic thor, but still really good
And wasn't Thor a bad ass mother effa who stole someones girl and caused a war.O yeah thats the movie.You should watch it one time to find out what Thor is all about.
your spam IS decent Anyways, this picture is ok. Not horrible, but not great either. 2.5/5 from me. I think you can do better.
Someone asked me to post in this thread and i didn't really want to, not that the pic isn't good, decent was kind of an understatement, i would download it if i knew i couldn't take one similar, but since i was asked to and didn't want to be an ass and go with **** you i don't have to i left a small post cause i really didn't want an issue.
I like this pic .. Even though a hammer would make a more realistic Thor but i just think the pic looks good .. The bubble adds the effect and the sword glow looks cool too.. Good job!