Debate Salvia Divinorum

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tex, Jul 21, 2008.

  1. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    And the question of its legalization.

    Not many people actually know what this not-so-illegal hallucinogen actually is. Well, it's just that. A legal hallucinogen, or at least in some states.

    Prior to discussion, I will be teaching everyone who is not knowledgeable on the topic what it is, and what it does. Though, only personal experience can truly give you what this legal herb is all about.

    What is the experience like on Salvia?

    Depending on dosage, the Salvia experience can vary from a subtle, just-off-baseline state to a full-blown psychedelic experience. At higher doses users report dramatic time distortion, vivid imagery, encounters with beings, travel to other places, planets or times, living years as the paint on a wall or experiencing the full life of another individual. Needless to say these can be extremely powerful experiences and should only be attempted with a sitter. While most people remain unmoving during the experience, some individuals will attempt to get up and walk around while in a completely dissociated state.

    What does it look like?


    How long does it last?

    Total Duration:
    20 to 40 minutes
    20 to 60 seconds
    Coming Up:
    1 to 2 minutes
    5 to 10 minutes
    Coming Down:
    15 to 30 minutes
    The effects of Salvia:

    What are some of the positive effects of Salvia?

    • short duration (when smoked)
    • radical perspective shifting
    • increase in sensual and aesthetic appreciation
    • creative dreamlike experience
    • insight into personal issues
    What are some of the neutral effects of Salvia?

    • powerful open and closed eye visuals
    • general change in consciousness (as with most psychoactives)
    • altered perceptions
    • change in body temperature, flushing
    • sensation of physical push, pressure, or wind
    • sensation of entering or perceiving other dimensions, alternate realities
    • feeling of 'presence' or entity contact
    • dissociation at high doses, walking or standing
    What are some negative effects of Salvia?

    • overly-intense experiences
    • fear, terror and panic
    • increased perspiration
    • possible difficulty integrating experiences
    • higher doses can cause inability to control muscles and maintain balance: falls are reported.
    • mild to moderate headache, usually starting after effects wear off
    What states make it illegal?

    See here

    I live in Illinois, which is a state that they just made it illegal at January 1st of 2008.

    Can it be addictive?

    Salvia divinorum is not known to be either physically addicting or likely to cause psychological dependance. As with all substances, some people will use it more frequently than they are comfortable with. There appears to be no tolerance with Salvinorin-A, so an experience can be extended or amplified by smoking more.

    So that leads us to the actual question at hand, should Salvia Divinorum be legal or not?

    Present facts, not opinions people, that is the main problem with the debate forums, is that people will present great points, but no sort of evidence to back their point.

    I will be refraining from posting my stance on this, until I see some posts of logic. I know where I stand, so don't worry about others swaying my stance. I will not be pushed one way or the other by anyone's opinion.

    EDIT: Not by anyone's opinion, but if you can present facts, such as Furious did, you might be able to push me one way or the other.

    Also, try to keep your signatures turned off. I know I have a hard time with that, but it does help it to keep this forum clean.


    Salvia Facts
    Effects & Duration
    It's illegal in Illinois
    #1 Tex, Jul 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2008
  2. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I recently read an article in Discover magazine about how scientists are using mind altering substances to treat mental disorders and ease the distress of terminally ill patients. They studied them as far back as the 1920's I think.

    Anyway, I think these substances can be enormously beneficial to a lot of people, and I think our world would be a better place if people shifted their perceptions from time to time. But I've never taken a hallucinogen, so I can't speak from experience. I genuinely hope that we can get past the stigma of these drugs and explore what they have to offer us.

    Source: Discover Magazine I'm actually surprised that they have the full article online. Seriously, read it!
    #2 Furious D 18, Jul 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2008
    Running Chron likes this.
  3. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    I am reading it.

    I'm quite surprised about this, as usually it takes a polar opposite effect on people...If they are in a negative mood, they fall hard into a bad trip.

    This intrigues me, as I mentioned previously, someone in a bad frame of mind, once they begin to trip, start to have a horrible experience.

    This must have been a great result though, as this guy is experiencing pleasure in a time of great despair.

    This article was written May of 2008. I am glad to see that the effect of a person's mind in today's society isn't as horrible as I anticipated.

    I have had several good trips, though some bad. I would have to say that to see 11/11 is a great ratio of people having a good time.

    Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to read the article fully, but that is a great post Furious.
  4. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Lol, one of the few times that I could contribute to one of the drug debates. I'm pretty inexperienced. My opinion is that it is a free country, so the government should do as little as possible to interfere with our choices as citizens.

    But if people are going nuts and killing others, or disturbing the peace, then I'm glad the government steps in to handle the situation. Some substances have hidden dangers, and it's difficult for the average citizen to keep informed.

    It seems I want to have my cake and eat it too.
  5. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    I've smoked it quite a few times.
    After the first time I smoked it, I thought to myself "How the **** is this even possibly legal?"
    (this was before it had been outlawed here.)

    After many more times, I thought about what could happen if someone who was not informed about the effects of it.. say... smoked some while driving their car...

    (mindset= i drive and smoke weed all the time, and thats illegal, so if this is LEGAL, it must not **** me up anywhere as much as booze or weed do.)

    so they get in the car and smoke it, and ...

    well, at least with myself i smoked the 45X strength.. it completely incapacitates you. I was tripping the **** out, there was no way i had any comprehension of the real world at all. It was so amazing and intense.

    BUT- i am a seasoned user of hallucinogens, i have read a lot about them before and while using them, and I understand them thoroughly.

    rambling over... i dont mind that its been illegalized is what my point is.
    Running Chron likes this.
  6. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I'm not familiar with this stuff, but I have been hearing a lot about it lately. I've taken a few other hallucinogens, never had any problems and actually found them very enjoyable. I may end up trying this at some point if someone I know has some, but I probably won't seek it out and just stick to good ol' shrooms or pot for my third eye cleansings. Very interesting articles, though. (I wouldn't recommend peyote unless you like to vomit, though)

    It's not surprising that, once again, something that grows naturally upon the planet that cannot be closely guarded and monopolized into obscene profit-making industries (like tobacco and alcohol) is deemed illegal by our government.

    If any of you guys haven't seen the late, great Bill Hicks' comments on drugs, here:
    SargeantSarcasm likes this.
  7. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Glad you brought this up Titmar, and I'm happy to see a post by you other then a one sentence rhetoric.


    Anyways, yes, I understand fully where you are coming from, the first time I used it was in a similar situation to what you just explained, "in a car, thinking I ride and smoke all the time, no biggie..." Then I smoked it, thankfully the driver waited for my experience to pass before actually smoking it. I fear what could have happened had we just passed it along...

    Peyote I personally have never experienced, but only because I don't have that sort of lasts...forever...

    Shrooms are a nice little some'n some'n. They're something you can experience every now and again. And enjoy yourself.

    Bud/Weed/Pot/Herb/Whatever tickles your the most beautiful thing on the planet. If you care to see my view point on marijuana, go here

    That video was ****ing epic though squid, I was watching it as though I were a 5 year old facing their favorite cartoon...on a saturday...

    The government is always going to be here though to **** **** up...It's a rather disappointing thing, but life moves on...(cause it's a ride)

  8. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Yeah, I highly recommend listening/watching more Bill Hicks, he's one of my top comedians of all time. Especially when partaking of the previously mentioned substances...

    I've always been in a blissful mood when I've done those things. Beer and other alcohol always gets me agitated, whether I've been in a good mood or not. There's no doubt that drugs like this, mushrooms, and pot have more "recreational fun" in them than the current legal drugs. The only thing I've wanted to attack when I was stoned was a big bag of Cheetos, and I've never once pondered alternate lives/existence when I was drunk.

    By the way, you might think about editing out the "How do you ingest" portion of your OP. Don't want to give off the impression that we're promoting illegal drug use, especially with so many minors here. Most of them don't frequent this section anymore, but still.
  9. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Oh, and you go get that big bag of cheetos


    I will indeed be listening to more bill hicks, when I have time, atm doing a lot of photoshopping/video editing =[
  10. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Yay, it's still legal in Texas, w00t!
  11. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    Squid, try the highest extract you can get your hands on. I smoked the 45X.
    Also, make sure you smoke it out of a waterpipe and hold in the hit until you're about to explode.
    That's like how you're "SUPPOSED" to do it.

    I plugged the bottom of the slide with a little nugget and then filled the rest of it with salvia. It's basically like an entire acid trip condensed into 5 or 10 minutes. It distorted every single one of my senses at once. Very cool, very intense. You'll like it.

    Oh, and it might make you drool a lot.
  12. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    I tried 20X my first time, and I ended up in a whole nother world. There was no experience like it. There were three different phases, that lasted what felt like hours on end...When in actuality it was a matter of approximately 15-20 minutes...

    It can be one of the most interesting things a person experiences in there life. As I always suggest to users of hallucinogens:

    Be in a good mood prior to use. Never know where that negativity will lead your trip.
  13. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    Don't worry i think 99% of kids on this site aren't going to do hallucinogens.
    Health class and the educational system brainwashed them good and proper.
    Lone Deity likes this.
  14. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    LOL, I'll be sure to wear my bib. Thanks for the tips, I'll let you know how it turns out when I get my hands on some.
  15. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    Dude the first time i smoked it i drooled like a motherfucker, I had a puddle on my lap.

    Everyone was laughing at me, i could tell, but I was watching them laugh at me as if i was viewing the whole scene from above the room.
  16. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I'm sure I'll do it too; my wife took me to one of those Brazilian steakhouses for my birthday one time and seeing all that meat being hauled around on swords I started drooling like Homer Simpson.

    I've been in a situation like that before where I've been so high that I felt like I was having an out of body experience and watching everyone else from somewhere else. Good times.
  17. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
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    Im glad someone finnaly explained to me what this is. I see it all the time at my conveince stores here in Canada.. Therefor it is legal in Canada. I do NOT smoke anything. I never have and never will. I honestly think its stupid. Thats my option back to the debate. I from reading what you posted of it beeing a Hallugen. I think right there it should be illegal. There seems to be no diffrence between this and Marajiuana. Givin what Titmar said it also adds to my vote of it being Illegal. But if you compare it to alchol there is not much diffrence. Alchol makes it so that you cannot drive but its legal. This is the same in a way. Still I think this should not be sold in convenice stores too. In my option it should be Illegal all togeather as should Smoking Tabbaco.
  18. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    ^ Thank you for your opinion, however...

    What you said is completely ridiculous and only makes sense if you barely read anything in this thread.

    It is a HALLUCINOGEN. It makes you see, hear, and feel things that are not actually happening. It's WAY WAY different from marijuana or alcohol.
    HITtheLIGHTZ likes this.
  19. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Well, not actually happening on this plane of reality. There are others that our puny senses cannot handle at our current evolutionary state. Hallucinogens help you see what's possible if we just would get our head's out of our asses and evolve a little more.
  20. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    If you're going to argue against someone you had best at least know what you're talking about. That post indicated that you hadn't read through the thread, and knew next to nothing about the subject.

    Honestly drugs like these need to be fully legalized for the purpose of MEDICAL TESTING. They seem to have a ton of potential in certain specific areas of study and could prove to be excellent cures. On the other hand I don't think hallucinogens like these should be legalized for recreational use unless it was regulated in a way so people couldn't abuse/misuse them, which is why they were banned in the first place. That being said I have nothing against them personally or the people who use them, this Salvia stuff actually sounds kind of neat and I've never tried anything of the sort before. Too bad its illegal in virginia.

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