Funny. You know, I have always looked up but have never seen what deploys these scarabs... Did you find out?
They just kind of fall out of the sky, nothing dropped them. They just appeared. Apparently that's why the covenant are such an amazing war machine with their voodoo magic.
no like I said before they just appear. Kind of like the Forward Unto Dawn on the Ark. (well kind of)
That's kind of cool. I've never seen them fall from the sky. I usually take forever campaign because I just explore around and see what I can find.
Yes. The scarabs just kinda fall from the sky. Although by the speed at which they fall and their landing impact it, I think they tried to make it look like it came from out of view of they human eye. I dunno though. They did just kinda suddenly appear... Nice screen too by the way.
I never too any notice of where the scarabs came from, now I know, they come from nowhere. Good shot too
Lol thats pretty cool.Can you stand under it while its falling ,if so that would lead to and epic splatter. But those damn covenant and their teleporting mechanisms.