relax, everyone will get used to this new dashboard, kinda like when FH changed to Vbulletin, everyone hated it, now nobody minds (for the most part). I for one like my 2d avatar, but im also curious as to what I would look like as a mii60 (oh yes, i named it alredy) so its nice to know I can choose back or forth if for some reason this update doesnt appease to me. Still not very nice of you Reynbow, Silence said his opinion on the subject, theres no need to make it seem like your opinion is a tad better than his, yaknow?
I might not use the mii60. Depends what you can do with them, y'know? But for the dashboard... epic. Definitely using that. The new guide, the new features, everything... pure win.
'Cause I said so =D Okay so the above was a bit of a joke I just don't like how everyone is slamming it before they even try it out. You have to at least give it a chance before you hate it. Buy having such negative thoughts about change then you're bound to not like it even if it's good. And I like to come off as very abrasive around here.
I agree with Reynbow's last comment, but try to keep away from conflicts with other members. It won't do you any good, fighting with anyone who disagrees. (Although I do agree that his reaction was unnecessary and un-called for)
It might not do any good for the community as a whole but it entertains me =D Orly? I hate those ****ing Vinnies...
To break apart all the fighting in this thread I have a question. Are we going to decide if we want the new dashboard or will Microsoft force us to use it? Also, will there be a Master Chief mii60? If we are forced to use mii60's I bet Microsoft will make accessories from different games for our avatars, like gamer pics.
This isn't just a new theme, it actually has feature updates and other things to make the 360 work better. For example you can now copy your games to the HDD to play the games off the hard drive, faster load times etc. Of course you still need to have the disc in to play it though. Amoung many other new features and uprgaded features. So yes, you have no choice.
well, if you read any of my post, you'd gather that i have nothing against the new features. the party up mode is quite nice and useful. however, i personally dislike the new avatar system, and i dont need to have it on my xbox to know that. im done with this dashboard discussion, because its not based on opinion, its "like it or shut up".
All of this flaming and debate, damn people did you even read the article? YOU DON'T NEED TO SEE IT, so why even be bothered by it?
I'm glad I'm not going to see it,because I'm old enough to realise that I don't want my 360 to be a childish Wii copy with little flowers,bunnies,and unicorns all over the place. I like zombies and very violent and disturbing images thats the way I want my gameing exsperience to stay dark and disturbing. I also hope my themes that I paid for aren't just thrown away because of the crappy update. I like the new party system/chat though.
I personally like the design and features of the update but it's more of what will happen about it. Quite obviously xbox have been influenced by the wii style of characters and made it more family friendly. Sadly family friendly also means loads of little kids making an annoying screeching noise (some say they're talking) and clogging up custom games with yet more badly made maps. I'm perfectly fine with the update but I am worried on how it will effect the community, also the thing that would really piss me off is if they put prices on some of the features. EDIT: lol unicorns, I totally agree you gotta watch this vid lol.
Actually I've said it quite a few times now, you don't have to use the new, better, Avatars. You can stick with the old, dodgey, 2D Avatars. All you guys defending your "manlyness" saying you don't want it to look cute, you want it to look cool. Pshh You'll give in after a few days and start to look around it. You will like it eventually. =]
why would you make a thread to discuss something and then flame everyone who replies...? oh wait... crap. i think irony just stabbed me in the brain.
Its just Microsoft bieng a corporation, and realising where the market is. Fun, family games. I personally dont like it, but thats my opinion. I don't use the dashboard much so it won't bother me.
If we can make a mii60 that looks like chuck norris, I'm happy. I think it should be, you make a "mii60" (that is a good name for it!!) and you can choose between a gamerpic and the childish pic. If you pick the childish pic, that is what other people see. If you pick the gamerpic, it should show the gamerpic, and the person has to choose "see avatar." That is how I would want it. I know it won't happen, but that is how I'd want it. I'm not saying I hate the avatar thing. I halfway agree with Reyn, I'm gunna have to test it out before flamming Microsoft.