The Source

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Beyond Skill198, Jul 22, 2008.

  1. Beyond Skill198

    Beyond Skill198 Ancient
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    Click Picture to DL!

    The Source is the final installment of my 3 part map pack I’m calling the “True Swat Map Pack”. The reason behind this naming is not necessarily because the maps play best with SWAT, but because I will be releasing a campaign/story type thing soon about a SWAT team (Hence the name TRUE SWAT). The Source is one of my finest maps yet and I hope you’ll notice the amount of time and effort that went into creating this map.

    Here’s the deal on why it’s called The Source. It is called The Source because of the story/campaign, there has been a huge outbreak of drugs. The SWAT team got a lead about Suite #205, then they were able to find out that the owner of Club Impulse was helping distribute the drugs, and now from him the SWAT team has found the ”Source” of the outbreak, a huge drug facilitating factory.

    Almost everything in the map goes along with this theme, I have racked my brain for creative way’s to express this while still holding true to great game play and I am proud of the way it has turned out. You might be able to pick out some of what I am trying to depict such as the Conveyer Belt/ Machine, but some things are a little harder to express, such as the Unloading Dock, where they are unloading all the materials to create the drugs (Hint: It’s got a turret.)

    Here are the links to the other two maps in the map pack, SUITE #205,and,Club Impulse.

    Youtube Video::
    I went out and bought a capture card and now I can make sweet halo movies! yay! Check out my first one made just for this map:

    My focus for, “The Source” was to create a map with unique environments that go along with the overall theme of the map. This map is best played with 8 people seeing as I haven’t blocked off any parts of the map for the first time in my forging career. I also focused on doing things I haven’t done in my maps before.

    This map is the first time I’ve:
    · Used extensive geomerging
    · Made an Asymmetrical Map
    · Thought of aesthetics in the base design of my map
    · Used all of Foundry
    · Gone along with a theme that fits foundry well

    The Source is a drug factory. The raw materials they make the drugs with come from the unloading station (Place made out of fence walls with cones around it). The materials are then processed in the big machine in the middle of the map and packaged into small crates. Forklifts then take the crates and store them in the shelves behind the machine. Later the crates are packaged into the open boxes and then sealed and stored in the far end of the map. Trucks come in, are loaded with the big boxes and are sent off threw the door. Everything is examined from the offices above.

    So now that I’ve explained my creative approach to the map I’d now give you an explanation of what the map looks like, but I think the pictures are pretty suffiecent at providing that.

    Game Types::
    This map was designed with all types of team slayer in mind.

    Here are my recommended game types:
    Team Swat
    Shotty Snipers
    Team Slayer
    Multi Flag

    And that’s about it, I wasn’t able to set it up well for any gametypes other than slayer because I ran out of items to use. I have set it up for pretty much all of them but the main problem will be that the spawning might not work too well in the very beginning.

    Weapon Layout::
    Heres the weapons on the map I did change the clips/respawn times to what I felt was best:
    -2 Snipers
    -8 BR’s
    -2 Carbines
    -3 SMGs
    -2 Magnums
    -12 Plasmas
    -4 Spike Grenades
    -12 Grenades
    -1 Spiker
    -1 Brute Shot
    -1 Shotgun
    -1 Overshield
    -1 Regenerator
    -1 Bubble Shield
    -1 Power Drainer
    -1 Mauler
    -3 Mongeese
    -2 Machine Gun Turrets

    Campaign/Story Mode::
    This will be coming soon with a centralized post for all the True Swat maps! Hopefully some people are looking forward to it but, hey you guy’s probably don’t know what to expect.

    Overview Pictures.




    Geo-Merge Tunnel (AKA Shotty Tunnel)


    Looking at the Geo-Merged Tunnel/ My newest Bridge-Stair creation that everyone can comment on (I’ve now made a bridge made out of stairs and stairs made out of bridges!).


    Part of the Offices.


    Action Pictures::

    A double bankshot headshot! (Staged :p)


    Synchronized Death!




    *NOTE: These boxes are placed right side up for the aesthetic touch that regular non-interlocked boxes give, not because I'm stupid.




    Special thanks to:
    -All the testers.
    -Dented drum for giving me some advice
    -Snipermaster95 for helping me put together testing matches, and all the support
    -Drummerboy198 for being a crazy kid.
    -Anyone who reads the thread I wrote.

    Download THE SOURCE
    #1 Beyond Skill198, Jul 22, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2008
  2. Saint Prodigy

    Saint Prodigy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow looks very cool i like hot it has an assembly line built into it. looks very foundry. 5/5
  3. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    very nice post and map for a newish member
    keep up the forging and keep following the rules.
    the coolest thing about this map is your awesome star/stair structure
  4. XDAO SoX

    XDAO SoX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks very well planned out and original. I like the middle part and the walkways. Good job. 5/5
  5. Beyond Skill198

    Beyond Skill198 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Bro, once you break the rules and get yelled at, you never mess it up again, and the bridge structure is a bridge made out of stairs, not to be confused with the stairs made out of bridges that I made in Club Impulse, lol.

    Thanks though.
  6. El1te Shad0w

    El1te Shad0w Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hmmm. . . i like even though it looks i haven't been here long i have as you can tell this is one of the better maps i've seen here i love the stair bridge thingymabob 5/5
  7. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    that dude is an incredible map dude, great interlocking, geo-merging, great features, great weaponary balance and great preview, great job.
  8. H3 Crimson

    H3 Crimson Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That looks really well made and thought out! Good work.
  9. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
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    I like the boxy feel of this map. I haven't seen boxes placed like that for a very, very long time, so it's kinda new. It looks nice! The stair part is pretty cool too! I will download this and try it out soon. 5/5
  10. Sp3c0p5grunt

    Sp3c0p5grunt Ancient
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    ur map looks pretty cool
  11. Beyond Skill198

    Beyond Skill198 Ancient
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    Hey thank you for complementing... pretty much everything about my map! I'm glad you mentioned the preview and weaponary balance.

    Thanks, hope you like it, thanks for liking the "boxy" feel, I'm sure others won't like it that much.

    Yeah, I had the basic layout of the map figured out like 3 months ago or something like that. (Since I came up with the concept for Suite #205)
  12. The Nasal Abyss x

    Senior Member

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    This map has GREAT asthetics. It also looks like it plays very well and big. Definately getting a download from me.
  13. red viper boy

    red viper boy Ancient
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    great map fun to play on, and compete against friends on. 5/5

    this is my first post ever on this site. w00t!
  14. sgt.pepper

    sgt.pepper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    im a big fan of ur pack i loved the suite and the club impulse. this one looks the best. ill dl wen i can 4.5/5 from the pics
  15. Snipermaster

    Snipermaster Ancient
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    This is a very, very, very fun map. It is good in all areas which are:

    This is just a really cool map. Nice job with it!
  16. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks like it'd play well with SWAT, provided all of the cover given could create some intense battles. I'm thinking Bungie should put custom maps in the Team SWAT playlist. The built-in maps don't justify what SWAT truly is.
    Excellent map. I can't wait for the map pack.
  17. Beyond Skill198

    Beyond Skill198 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, I did feel that this map was the most well suited for Swat out of all of the maps in the map pack. (not quite as cramped)

    It always flatters me when people make accounts to post on my maps, I don't really know if that's the case but it seems like that so thanks.

    Thanks :)
  18. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    wow, fantastic geomerging, i may be mistaken, but are you the one who made club impulse? sorry if im stupid and wrong
  19. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    By Circuit City..

    Anyway it seems like a great map. great interlocking, balancing, geomerging, and layout. will DL tmrw...
  20. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
    Senior Member

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    well interlocked and gives good gameplay. 9/10. i was going to say lower at first but after learning more it really looks great.

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