I finished a small map recently, made for 1v1. This map is really small. Currently here's the deal with weapons/equipment. Weapons: Battle Rifle [x2] 20 sec. respawn, 2 spare clips. Carbine [x2] 20 sec. respawn, 2 spare clips. Plasma Pistol [x2] 60 sec. respawn. Equipment: Active Camo [x1] 60 sec. respawn. Bubble Shield [x2] 60 sec. respawn. Spike Grenade [x4] 20 sec. respawn. Frag Grenade [x2] 10 sec. respawn. The only thing not open for change is the bubble shields as they are there to add to the frantic feel the map has. Other than that, I need to know if I should change anything. What do you guys think?
If it is REALLY small people could go and get the Spike grenades instantly cousing very much Stucking, and maybe even Spawn Killing.
No. Two on either side of a fence wall and two in opposite fence boxes. I plan on publishing it tomorrow, you'll see what I mean.
if its a small map i'd take out the camo because you can crouch around and be completely invisible. i would replace it with an over shield. thats just me though. and brian soupy. sundance is the reason MLG exists, so he can do whatever he wants
They can camp at the oversheild until their opponent shows up and then grab it, kill them and have slightly higher sheilds. The camo, IMO, would be better.
but with camo you just crouch around and assassinate a guy every time he spawns for like 30 seconds, which can be about 1-4 kills depending on how well you use the camo. and if you make overshield spwan every 3 minutes. it only happens every three minutes. it gives people something to battle for and if its in the middle, both people have an equal chance of getting it in the beggining. andin a match between two good players they should both know when the powersups are coming back, so they should both know about the overshield seeing as its the only chance of a player having any sort of advantage on the map.
Why don't you throw down a test game? I can help you if you want, I make a lot of 1v1 maps. You just basically need to run a game or two and see how the weapons play out.
I plan on testing, but I just wanted to know what to be watching for as potential problems. thx guys. And sundance ftw! I don't know why my sig was insulting him, but does say some random weird things.
Why don't we use the thing no competitive map actually normally has. Custom powerup. Put a custom powerup at 60 second respawn. It doesn't overpower one person. It just gives them a ten percent increase in speed. But the ten percent can make strafing for one player easier, giving a slight advantage. With camo no person is ever seen. I personally don't like overshields either though. And it's a slight advantage with the plasma pistol. It allows easy beatdowns for ten seconds. And that provides a maximum of 3 kills the entire powerups active I believe. Not overpowered at all.
I like the idea given by redearth, it sounds like it would work really well. I also suggest changing out a couple of the rifle weapons, if your map is as small as I think, try a spiker, or two, because 4 rifle weapons seem like they would be underpowered on a 1v1 map. It's up to your discretion, but i suggest avoiding a plasma rifle, as they are very powerful at close ranges.
That's an interesting point, my original thoughts were that by having non-AR starts the map would be balanced in not having any close-range automatic weapons which would dominate on the map. Now I'm not so sure.
if its that small i think you should ditch the gernades, having camo and crouching, and being able to stick someone from all the way across the map is overpowering IMO
Pretty sure that on default gametypes it's a 150% speed increase... which really cam dominate a map. Also, all these respawn times for weapons and equipment seem very short to me. It devalues the more powerful weapons if they're around all the time. Totally depends on the map, of course.
custom power up would work well because there are plasma pistols to cancel it out. and i dont know where your getting this 150% speed from. MLG uses 110%
I'm pretty sure that default Bungie gametypes use 150% speed. I'd check, but my roommate's on the xbox. Also, how do plasma pistols cancel out extra speed? I'm very confused about that one.