I no this name is not all that good and has nothin to do with the map but i like it. this map can be played with team slayer, slayer, and 1 flag CTF. The CTF variant is on a link at the bottom. I hope u like my map please rate and comment. this is where the flag spawns. and the staris and ledge to get to it THis is wher the sniper spawns on a dead end ramp. under it is a carbine one of the alleyways to get to the flag Overview of middle alleyway Please comment and Rate. HERE IS THE LINK TO THE MAP:Halo Shield Team Flag
I'm not getting a very good picture of your map, maybe a few more and a larger area picture would help. Looks alright from what I can tell though.
i played on this map, and although it dosn't look great, its really fun to play. everyone should atleast try it
i cant really tell, but did you use ANY interlocking? not that it is completely necessary just makes things look nicer
just wondering why are you answering all of the questions? hahaha not insulting, just caught me off guard lulzz
looks like it needs a bit of touching up, nothing serious, just some minor changes to make it look more aesthetically pleasing
looks sorta sloppy. you need to be more clean and start interlocking things. it will make your map better and mape it flow better because there will be no sharp uneasy jumps or stuff like that.
to be quite honest the map is quite sloppy. it doesnt look like you used any interlocking at all and most of the items you used are not straight. the map may be good but if you went back and made a V2 with the things all interlocked and neater then it would be a good map and you would have my download but i simply cannot download this. sorry