Ok so I've been doing a little research on Batman Villains recently because im curious to know who will be the villain in the next batman. I've compiled a list of villains that i think are possible candidates. After doing some more research, I came up with this. the next batman movie will most likely be based off the comic "Dark Victory" and will include villains such as The Hangman and Two Face. The Hangman is a serial killer who murders Gotham City police officers while Two Face finishes business with the Falcone Mob. and if what i read about Dark Victory is true... Robin may be introduced... But i am not quite sure if they will change the story to not include Robin because, from my understandings, Christain Bale will not be doing this movie if there is a robin. But also from my understandings, Dark Victory is Christain Bale's favorite Batman comic. But here's some good news for some people. Catwoman MAY be included in the movie. In the story, Two Face sends his henchman/"freaks" to help with his war against the mafia. his "freaks" include: The Joker, Scarecrow, The Penguin, The Riddler, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze, The Mad Hatter, and Solomon Grundy. Although i dont know if we will be seeing appearances from all of these characters in the movie. Read this if you wanna learn more about "Dark Victory/ The Long Halloween" (Most info was taken from Wikipedia) Here's a list of possible villains. -Black Mask Roman Sionis, a former business executive who originally hated Bruce Wayne rather than Batman, wears a Black Mask and leads the cult-like False Face Society of henchmen. Black Mask eventually became a mob boss controlling large sections of Gotham's criminal underworld. -Catwoman Selina Kyle, starting as a criminal who wore a cat-themed costume and often operated as a burglar, has a love/hate relationship with Batman. For years, she skirted on the edge between villain and antiheroine. However, she has largely reformed in recent years, adopting the role of the guardian of Gotham's crime-infested East End, though she still comes into conflict with Batman on occasion. She has also been known to take revenge upon those who do crimes against animals, especially large cats. -Mr. Freeze Dr. Victor Fries was formerly a scientist and is an expert on cryonics. He tried to cryopreserve his stricken wife Nora Fries until a cure was found to her disease. During the process, an accident caused his body to function only below freezing point, requiring he wear a special self-contained refrigeration suit. He uses similar ice technology for weapons. -The Penguin Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot, a short round man with a long pointed nose, fancies himself a gentleman of crime. He usually wears a tuxedo, top hat, and monocle, and carries any variety of umbrellas which have various hidden functions such as vehicles or weapons. -Riddler Edward Nygma (formerly Eddie Nashton) is a criminal mastermind who has a strange compulsion to challenge Batman by leaving clues to his crimes in the form of riddles and puzzles. Recently, he has seemingly abandoned his criminal lifestyle and has opted to utilize his skills to turn a profit as a freelance investigator. -Ra's al Ghul First appearing in Batman #232 (June 1971), Ra's al Ghul ("Demon's Head" in Arabic), is a centuries-old world-wide eco-terrorist. He knows Batman's secret identity. He utilizes special pits known as Lazarus Pits which enable him to evade death, and live for centuries. He is the founder of The League of Assassins, though exactly when is unknown. -The Hangman A serial killer (during the Dark Victory storyline), who murders police officers on every holiday of the year, leaving behind a version of the children's word game "Hangman" (with key letters missing) with each new victim. All of the victims are police officers who, in one way or another, helped Harvey Dent rise to his position of District Attorney. In the end, the Hangman is revealed to be Sofia Falcone Gigante, daughter of the late crime boss, Carmine Falcone. Those are all the possible candidates in my opinion. If you wanna see all of the Batman Villains, Take a look at this page
Out of your list, the Black Mask He actually seems like a realistic villain, and doesn't have "powers" And mob bosses are fun, he creates a lot of little enemies for batman. He's my pick
Very true, during my research i was reading rumors too and black mask was one of the villains mentioned. thanks for reminding me, i'll add him to the list.
well if the new batman follows suit with the older, cheesier batman, my intuition tells me it will be freeze or ivy.
Ra's al Ghul was in "Batman Begins." I wouldn't mind him returning, though. I mean he is immortal (although it might not work in Nolan's world of realism). I would LOVE to see Riddler in the next movie. His character fascinates me and what he does is definitely believable and could easily work in Nolan's world (Zodiac Killer, Ted Bundy anyone?). So yes, Nolan (or whoever directs the next film) bring on the Riddler. I would else like to see Killer Croc on the silver screen...just without his green skin and tail. Basically make him look like he really has Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis.
i totally just watched the dark night and it was awesome seeing that it was definitely two face at the end of the movie that had his face burned off, hes gonna be in the next one i bet
from my research i have heard that the biggest possibilities (the one's that Nolan wants to do) are... Black Mask, Cat Woman, Hangman, Ra's al Ghul, and Penguin (He said it would be tricky to bring Penguin's character into a movie). But i myself would also LOVE to see Riddler in the next batman. i think his character is perfect for the "real world" type of batman movie.
Venom. i mean, id like it to be the Riddler. hes my other favorite, and i know they could make an awesome movie with him... if casted correctly.
Just no villains with superpowers and I'm fine. Penguin, and the Riddler both fit in well and are memorable batman villains.
I'm hoping for the Riddler or Two Face. SPOILER IN TEXT BELOW!! I don't know if two face is possible because of the fact that he "died" during the Dark Knight.
good find reading this was very interesting and got me hyped up for batman 3, your information was well layed out and everything was explained, i don't know whos going to be the villian in no.3 but any of those sounds good
Two Face will be in it... did you guys understand that Two Face was just beginning near the end of the Dark Knight... they were setting us up for the next one. it's very obvious once you think about it. If that was all we were going to see from Two Face, then im very disappointed. Trust me guys, this rumor is very believable. Especially because "Dark Victory" is taking place in Batman's THIRD year as the "Dark Night"
They have already had talks about it and say the the Riddler is most likely to be the next villain in the next batman movie. some producer said that. I don't have links but yeah, I read that somewhere.
black mask could be that one mobster from the dark knight. He was the guy who was in the car with 2 face. "Your lucky, but he isn't" 2 face says "Who?" the guy i'm talking about says. Then 2 face shoots the driver. do you people know who i'm talking about???? sorry to be so vague