Block Party Block party is an asymmetrical casual map that can have even the most clever person stumped. Each individual cubicle holds a weapon and a surprise. The surprise is that you never know when you may be ambushed by a fellow competitor coming through one of nearly 20 teleporters on the map. 4-12 players recommended on any slayer variant. Zombies works well with the constant element of surprise. Download here---> : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Here is some pics: 1st overview: 2nd overview: 3rd overview: Garage: (You can only drive the warthogs for 2 min and mongooses 3 min. A shield door pops up.) Overall i have made 4 maps. i think this one is my best. i hope you like it
Ok I think I get this mapl your basically trapped in rooms following teleporters until you get out, that sounds like fun. Sorta of scary and suspensful thinking that at any time a zombie will come out a teleporter and eat you! If that's not how the game is played I am an idiot and send me a message again so I can edit... Again...
its cool looks sorta simple but cool and you should double the walls up. with a good grenade jump someone could get over them.
This seems like a pretty cool idea, just a couple of questions. Where do the humans and zombies spawn, in the cubicles or outside. Is there a way in/out of the cubicles. Do the humans have to go/stay in the cubicles or can they roam around.
As for Casual, I think this map is okay, it is original, though Interlocking would've made it better, but it does look fun for Infection.
well there is random spawns exept for the bases. they can spawn in and out of the cubes. if you go through enough teles you will eventually get outside the cubes if you spawned in them. and humans and zombies can go wherever they want at all times. i also made so someone could nade jump out because if they can never make it out they can nade jump out. zombies cannot nade jump. of course. plus imagine how much time you have to nade jump...
That actually sounds really cool. Could you recommend this to the gamertag DimmestBread so I can play it. I can't link my gamertag so I can't download from bungie. Thanks.
looks pretty open to me. Dont really get the point. Acually would be kind of a good infection map. Looks okay. 2.8/5
I dont really understand how you couldnt understand the map... its just a fun map to play people. you go around and try to kill people what else is there to say