The title says it all. Do you have a strange food combination? Do you like BBQ sauce with your pancakes? Just tell us a strangely good combination of food and I might ever try eating it sometime. Personally, everyone thinks I'm weird for combining ranch dressing with different stuff. I use it on my Sandwiches, put it in my tuna fish instead of mayonnaise, sometimes I mix it with BBQ sauce or teriyaki sauce for extreme flavor. Ranch seems like it could go with almost everything.
When i was a kid, I would take whole wheat bread, put the crappy kraft pre-sliced pre-wrapped cheddar cheese in the middle, and put ketchup on both sides of the cheese... looking back it was ****ing disgusting but i guess i like it at the time?...:squirrel_eyebrow:
Well I like Marshmallow fluff and a peanut butter sandwhich in one.Its so good because both of the things are thick and fluffy so it makes it taste liek one. I also like to dip my bacon in Aunt Jemima's syrup.Everytime I have pancakes or waffles I need to have bacon and syrup or that diner is dead.
Okey.. the chess and ketchup one is disgusting, I'm glad you grew out of that habit. Now the Peanut butter and marshmallow fluff is ****ing epic! It tastes like an orgasm in your mouth. I personally don't like syrup on my bacon, so I'll pass on that.
EVER GET SO DESPERATE TO EAT A BOWL OF CEREAL IN THE MORNING THAT YOU PUT OJ INTO IT INSTEAD OF MILK? Yea, and I didn't feel like barfing. Still tasted nasty as sh**...
Get this: My little brother will fill a bowl with frozen, packaged peas, put chips on top, then cheese on top of that. But if we're out of chips, and we usually are, he'll settle for just the cheese.
Not Milk. My brother dared me to do that when I was little (I love both separately) but I started vomiting violently after I drank it.
so wait... dude eats the peas while they're still frozen? weird... ah yes, and.. RANCH ON EVERYTHANG FOR LYFE.
ask grif about either of the two: cheese and ketchup in a bowl chocolate and ketchup not saying they are weird, but unusual
I like ranch on pizza. My friends uncle dared my friend to mix milk with pepsi. So he did. He threw up everywhere and then expected me to try it after.
I'm soo glad I'm not the only one who does that. Ranch is teh awesomes. Also, I'll add that my friend ate a table spoon of mustard powder and vomited six times in less than a minute.