Ever since I post my map MLG Wartorn and Marooned, I've noticed the worse FOUNDRY MAPS surpass it in views, posts, and even downloads, xUNSCxHeadshot's Hallucinate too, I mean, whats so wrong with Ghost Town? The maps are brilliantly executed, and are great maps, but the people dont notice, because they see Ghost Town, and close the post Support Marooned! Support Hallucination! Support Wartorn! Support Asylum To support Ghost Town, add a link to this thread- this is not an advertisement- if you want your Ghost Town map to be supported, just ask, and I will add it to this thead-its just that I'm pretty much the only one to forge Ghost Town so far, Ghost Town ftw!
I personally love ghost town. it's large and looks eerie and lots of indoor parts. as much as i do to try not to play mlg customs, i think ghost town might make a good battleground for it.
I see your problem ... and i have 1 little suggestion. As you kno in foundry you can change the size of the map and the way its designed. Correct ? Well that's what most people like to see! A suggestion that i have is that you block off certain parts of the map. And i dont mean close off the buildings i mean like completly change the shape of the map. Like this one ghost town map was split in half and it looked like a "U" shape! It completly changed the flow of the map, and the way people react to different scenarios! U kno what i mean ? dont just change one little thing like close a door or add a walkway. Re-invent ghost town to look like you actually did something to change the way people play. U kno what i mean now ? Good Luck! Peace!
well, i do support ghost town. its my favorite map ever. however, thats just it. i like it the way it is... as with all of the standard maps. Foundry is the only map that allows to you create something ENTIRELY new and different. It too has its limitations, but foundry has wayyy more options.
Asylum I am almost finished with a new Ghost Town Map called: Asylum. I will definitely come back when I've posted it. Ghost Town is amazing.
Wartorn and Ghost Town default will be getting used in my TGIF party .... so don't lose all hope of it being ignored. A lot of us Loyalz and such tend to like Ghost Town .... well at least I do.
My map isn't an MLG map, but I'll still post it.. Support Jurassic Park. You don't have to post it if you just want MLG, but it's infection.
Ok thanks for telling me. I saw all the maps and they were all like slayer, so I thought you just wanted Mlg type maps.
Amen, brother! I love Ghost Town and it's my favorite map to play on. It's been so difficult to not play the default version because it's just that bad ass. Best Bungie-made map for my tastes. Cold Storage is a very close second, but GT was first. I've got a version in the works that pares down the different ways in and out, but nothing is out and out blocked off (yet). I totally support teh luv for Ghost Town!!!!
You should inclue the Conquest Map "Cabbage Patch" by Predicide. Its a wonderful map that changed the flow of the battle of default Ghost Town, and is an Overall Wondeful map.
Yeah that sucks... Ghost Town is an awesome map so I agree that it should get more attention than it does...
Well to be honest theres nothing wrong with ghost but i veto it most of the time .. I always play bad on it .. But its still a ok map and i made a infection map on it which i love ..