That would be great if there were more than zero race maps featured. I just figured there was at least a track or two that have come out with new ideas, or that people just liked. I will look around on my own, don't worry--I just wanted to hear about developments that have come from the racetrack community.
This Is The Worst Racetrack Ever Made!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never Make Another Racetrack Ever Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your Maps Suck And You Won The Best Racetrack Award Because You Are A Forge Hubber!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Halo Tracks Is The Official Racetracks Community And We Make Way Better Tracks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Q2M. Shutup. You make halotracks look bad. Yes, a lot of halotracks members agree that this map wasn't deserving of the award, but we didn't have enough support on forgehub(or entries even, i think) to get a running for this. However, that is old news, you are beating a dead horse. Flaming him will do nothing. Besides, I think he did pioneer the uncheatable finish line feature which is in fact now commonplace and expected on all of our halotracks maps. Give the dude a break.
I was a member of HaloTracks before I made the map, but the overwhelming rudeness of the community drove me away (bad pun, I know). I do find it funny that there was a lot of animosity over the anti-cheating measures and gametype changes I made, but I'm glad that the ideas themselves weren't ignored. It's nice to hear from somebody in the HaloTracks community that has a level head, but it's not as fun as all the hate.
Eh, I'm not gonna lie, some of the heads of halotracks are a little...zealous from time to time and it kinda ruins the fun of being in the group.
This map plus gametype makes it feel really fun, it is flawless and some parts of it are challenging, you can't get stuck anywhere in this map. It's a little bit short for a foundry map with only a few obstacles. Racetracks are always fun to play in custom games and they are even harder t make than a good slayer map. i found this fun and enjoyable, i havent yet played it with a big group in customs games but i assume it would be fun.It must have taken you several days to make this but it seems good. 9.5/10 only bad point is the length of it.