MODS, please lock, but keep text MODS, Please lock, but keep the text, i might want to use it later.. :ascetic:Hi guys, knight kninja here! i thought i would bring back my old sig/custom ranks thread... so here it is. il start with custom ranks. Oh and i just thought i would tell you i spent 40 minutes typing this up earlier this week but my computer logged me out and i didnt get a chance to copy it.. so thank you for your attention Custom Ranks Custom ranks are simple, you can use them as an avatar, or just in your sig. they will have a certain color bar, a background image, and text. i use the font Raavi because its really close to the basic forgehub rank text. if anyone can give me the exact one or something closer i would graciously accept it. Examples: I use two types of Render images; color photographs that i turn black and white (these are the ones with all the definition), and the simple outlines which are more like forgehub's actual ranks.. you may submit your own stock photo or simply tell me what you want and il find it. Here is the request form: Custom rank request: Color: Background image: (submit your own or tell me what you want) Text: Signatures I create two types of sigs, Clone stamp sigs, and Brush/render sigs. you can choose between them for what you want. my clone stamp sigs take longer for me to to but i basically take a small image and use the clone stamp tool to create a signature from what i have in the image. brushes and renders are like any other sig makers. from a few tricks taught to me by reaper, i am doing pretty good now. Examples: Brush/Render sigs: Code: [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] Clone stamp sigs: Code: [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] *note that almost all sigs that do not have text in them (and maybe one or two that do) are up for grabs. if you want an instant sig, just ask me to put some text in for you. Generally, for clone stamp sigs, i use Magic The Gathering, magic cards, singles, card lists, deck ideas. to get pictures.. but thats because most of my clone stamp sigs are of magic cards. that top clone stamp sig was an album cover though, so i can do basically anything.. if you want a render sig, feel free to give me a picture, or just give me an idea.. heres the template. Signature request: Sig type: (Clone stamp or brush/render) Style: (May not apply to clone stamp sigs) Colors: Text: Quote: Font: (Find cool fonts at Extras: *note that not all categories need be filled out. i can improvise. Thank you, i hope you all have a good day, and i will be creating a renders archive soon so you can go there to look at some of my favorite renders. Any questions or comments? Ask me here, and i can answer for you. i make it a goal to read every single post made on this thread. Recently finished: astronum- page 4 wynters byte- page 5 revoltingmadman- page 6 goldenknight- page 8 Th kn1ght- page 9 Waiting list: skittlemeister- signature thehumanhighlightreel- custom rank Murdock sampson- custom rank commander j... something- custom rank Recent image: [noparse][/noparse] oops, i lost the game Thanks! -knight
k il get on it later today cause i gotta go to tennis. EDIT: pirates argh us (sorry i didnt do all those capitals lol) heres yours. i dont think it looks too good so if you dont like it i understand, i can make a new one..
1.Custom rank request: Color: Green Background image: (submit your own or tell me what you want) Normal Ones that are used here. Text: Map Maker 2. Custom rank request: Color: Red Background image: (submit your own or tell me what you want) Normal Ones that are used here. Text: Smexy Man
what do you mean normal ones that are used here? and you can erase all that stuff in parentheses when you fill out the request form..
Sig type: bush/render Style: light streaks Colors: Grey,white, misty blue Text: Scopulus Font: Ledlight Extras: make it look kinda foggy if you can. Thanks
k cool.. your up next scorpulus cause homieg isnt replying and i dont understand his request EDIT: here you go pirate; EDITx2: and ninja is done:
oh alright i understand. and the map maker one is up there, but someone else is using it.. i cant think of anything other than a forge monitor to use for it though.. and for smexy man.. how bout hearts?!?! lol
Custom rank request: Color: Red Background image: Click here for picture (could you try and use just the head? k thnx) Text: Monster
Custom rank request: Color: Red Background image: Smiley Face with tounge sticking out Text: Noob Thanks