Okay, I tried one of these before, but it failed, sort of. I'm giving it another try, but only providing one picture. You can use whatever you wish, but use the picture at least, and put my GT: SLS Guardsman in it, as well as my motto: Always Guarding in it. Make sure the sig is at or is smaller than 425 x 150 pixels. Here's the pic. (Image provided by N1NJ4. Thanks) I'll let this thread go on until I make my decision. Good luck!
oh you didnt like my old one..? lol i made you one a long time ago. anyways, how much of the picture do you want me to use? you and the flag?
O yea, you made it. It was great, but the greatness didn't last long enough. That's why it sort of failed. You can use any amount you want, as long as its balanced. You can even add some effects to it.
Here man I made one. This is my first sig ever and I think it came out pretty good?Hope you like it or tell me hwta to change. Heres the link.
I like them all, don't know what to choose... lets see some more, if we can, and maybe I'll choose one.
Hey I'm thinking about making a decision about 12 hours from now, so if you are still working on one, hurry up, or it'll be too late.
^ It's not that I've made my decision, it's that I'm rushing the guy who needed a day or two. I can't wait too much longer.