oh wow, it must have taken you forever to make the floor perfect like that. I like the cones on the edge telling you that theres a drop. It looks like it would be a great infection map. The last thing i like is the way you made it so it would be colorful with all the wepons.5/5
This is amazing. The save/quit placement alone must have taken you eons. This is ridiculous, in a good way. A definite download. Great job I hope to see more from you in the future mayne!
AWESOME, I saw this before and didnt bother then i was looking around for it and it was then featured. How did you manage to get out of blackout?? and What is the Fusion coil and the pallet suspended for above the trip mine?? I dont get why it is there
I got out of Blackout with a combination of box-teleporter and turret glitching. I think there's a Forging 101 about those techniques. And the fusion coil+pallet are there solely because they look cool. And because it looked stupid with nothing there.
After going through this map and playing some with my friends, this map was simply astonishing. The floor was completely flat and the perfectly aligned. It blows my mind how much effort you put into this map. Congrats on the feature.
I'm definitely downloading this one. Looks really cool, and I like maps made with objective games in mind.
One of the coolest Blackout maps till this day, i like the mid air interlocking, very very neat, i also like your use for the stairs, it makes the side look alot more aesthetically pleasing
Wish I could play this but I need money. Very good though how you have built the whole thing that big out of the normal play area.