
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Sp3c0p5grunt, Jul 22, 2008.

  1. Sp3c0p5grunt

    Sp3c0p5grunt Ancient
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    Created by sp3c0p5grunt

    Supported Gametypes:
    This map was made for slayer (3-8) players and does not work for anything else

    Map Description
    Story: The UNSC carrier called "Titan" was severly damaged by a covenant armada and was forced to land on an uncharted planet. The UNSC captain sent in some repair men to repair the Titan but there were some weird things going on and all the repairmen disappeared. They soon decide to send in some spartans to terminate the problem with the Titan. As soon as they get in, they get brainwashed and were reprogrammed to kill eachother.

    Description: This is a very small map i decided to make at avalanche and it is my first decent map at any of the new lenendary DLC maps. It has 5 main rooms, the Hangar1, Hangar2, The bridge(central area), the hallway, and the SECRET room. There is 1 SMG, 1 bubble shield, shotgun, 2 spike grenades, 2 plasma and frag grenades, 1 magnum, 1 spiker, 1 flare, and a mauler. Just to make the shotgun unfair, I made it 180 second respawn and 0 clips. The map is kind of dark and it gets darker after 3 minutes into the game. That is all i have to say about this map. Please enjoy this map by sp3c0p5grunt

    Here is the Titan (transmission signal is very weak)


    This is my third map sent to forgehub YAY! =D
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  2. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Um, do you have screenshots?
    This post is not up standards.
    I see you know how to embed pics, so why didnt you add pics of your map?
  3. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    come on bra ya need to get these pics in her sounds pretty good
  4. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    Now I'm not trying to be nasty but why is this map in competetive if it only supports one gametype? I'm starting to see alot of casual maps being posted in competetive nowadays and its making viewing the competetive part of the forum bland. Next time read the criteria properly before posting a map?
  5. H3 Crimson

    H3 Crimson Ancient
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    What is that thing?

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