Debate Are we Alone?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Pigglez, Jun 22, 2008.

  1. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    There might be, it's hard to tell. Maybe calvin can offer his insight:
  2. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    Although there is no real proof that we aren't alone, I still think there are things out there. This is because space is simply too large and expansive to only hold one planet with life on it. SOmewhere out there there must be a planet with conditions that allow for the survival of life forms.
  3. nubsta

    nubsta Ancient
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    Space is infinite. To say we're the only intelligent life forms is just ignorant. Although I do think it'll be a LONG time before we meet them...definitely not in out lifetime.
  4. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    We may be the only intellegant (mind my spelling) life in the universes. I can imagine aliens being like animals some colossal, some like bugs, some are probably as boring as plants. But i hope that isn't true. It would be great to learn from another species. I don't think they will be hostile like us but if they are they had a reason.
  5. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    Thank you for posting that vid Dom (Carl Sagan FTW). It is truly incredible and immensely humbling. Imo, there is no way in hell that we are alone. That video almost provides proof that we are not. How? How can there be so many galaxies, with so many stars, that may have planets revolving around them, that may support life and people still believing that there is no other life in the entire universe. 78 billion lightyears of nihility? I highly doubt it. The numbers definitely support the fact that there is life elsewhere. I mean, it's hard to believe we haven't even made contact yet. Or have we? There's an awful lot of stories coming from a lot of different cultures and eras that claim UFO's or extraterrestrial life forms are indeed real. When those cultures were isolated, and had no influence from each other, how did they come up with the same ideas?

    Lol, you mean sentient. (Pmgzrs watch out for their lazrs!)

    Dude...come on. Just try to find the truth for yourself, don't get force-fed all of your knowledge by your religion. Who knows, it might actually turn out to be what your religion teaches, but once you've approached finding the truth in an unbiased and logical way and realize it for yourself, you'll feel a lot better about it.
    #45 ImI METAL ImI, Jun 29, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2008
  6. attacaine

    attacaine Ancient
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    I believe that we are not alone. The universe is believed to be 14 billion years old and at least 90-odd lightyears long. That is a lot of time and space for some form of life to evolve. When life first evolved on Earth, it was a hot, CO2 filled wasteland that would have been unsuitable for any life that has evolved today, so life doesn't necessarily need Earth-like conditions to evolve.

    As for whether or not life has visited Earth, that's an entirely different story. It would take years to reach the closest planet at lightspeed, and we don't even know if lightspeed (let alone faster than lightspeed) is possible for an entire ship. With those kinds of distances, it would be perfectly plausible for us to never have been visited by extraterrestrials.

    I don't really belive in the Roswell Incident, either. Many people's stories have changed over time, and it seems that what started off as a classified crash snowballed into an incident involving aliens and spacecrafts, etc. One of the most telling facts is that the "aliens" looked so much like humans (two eyes, one mouth, two nostrils, humanoid shape, two arms that ended in hands with opposible digits, two legs that ended in feet with toes, etc.). Without even sharing a remotely common ancestor, that would be essentially impossible (In fact, it would pretty much need to have evolved from a primate for something like that to develop naturally on Earth, let alone some other planet). There would literally be less than a 0.000000000000000001% chance of a lifeform like that evolving. So, an alien looking like that is impossible.

    (And by the way, a self-aware lifeform is "sentient," not sentinal and the Roswell Incident took place in 1947, not 1949)
  7. attacaine

    attacaine Ancient
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    Of course, another thing that I forgot to post is that life is highly adaptable. We have discovered life living around hydrothermal vents, where the water is hundreds of degrees celcius, and in the arctic, where temperature is dozens of degrees celcius below zero. There are lifeforms that can surive living on the bottom of the ocean, and lifeforms that can can even survive in space. We could find life on virtually any planet we look at, not just Earth-like ones.

    And to Ferretness, finding life is not statistically certain. While the universe is huge (and expanding) the amount of mass stays the same (if you have water in a cup, and you dump the water into a bathtub, the water exands, but you do not have more water). The universe is not infinately old, either- "only" about 14 billion years old. So, even though the chance of life not existing elsewhere is incredibly small, it is still a statistical possibility. (Finally, the black hole analogy wasn't exactly correct- although it is true that we cannot "see" black holes, we can see their effects. We have not observed the effects of any life on a planet, sentient or otherwise.)
  8. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    Attacaine, according to the video Dom posted on the first page, the universe is 78 Billion lightyears across. Not 90.
  9. Mr. Moustache

    Mr. Moustache Ancient
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    There has to be life beyond Earth..maybe even more humans?
  10. attacaine

    attacaine Ancient
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    Misconceptions about the Big Bang: Scientific American
    (So I cut off about 2 billion lightyears for estimation purposes)
  11. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    Lol, that's cool. Not like it's any tangible number, so it doesn't matter much.
  12. DarkBlades

    DarkBlades Ancient
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    Before I answer, yes I am indeed Christian.

    I do believe there is life in other places. I believe it says somewhere in the bible that there is. BUT because Earth is a challenged(Good Vs Evil) planet, it is isolated from the others so that this "Evil" can be contained.

    Dont be confused, Evil isnt a infectionous disease.

    The Devil has challenged God that his people(us) that we would choose a good over evil. In other words choose him over the Devil. The Devil believes his people would choose him over God. Theres more too the story but because this battle, we cannot communicate with any other of God's intelligent lifeforms which I believe, are Human as well. Since, we are all made in his image.

    Im not sure about UFOs, It may be possible for other planets to spectate this battle, but I think its doubtful.
  13. KUBLUH the forger

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    no, we are not alone, i believe that they are among us everyday, who said they all look different, they can look like us.

    Video 1

    Video 2

    Video 3
    #53 KUBLUH the forger, Jun 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2008
  14. overthehodge

    overthehodge Ancient
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    well im catholic, but if there isnt anything out there in our vast cosmos than that basically goes against our lives and everything taht science tells us. we have a sun, luckily we are at a perfect distance from the sun for life. there are other solar systems, other galaxies and possibly other universes..... if no alien beings are out there then strike me down now! i mean in our solar system they suspect life. on a moon of saturn, titan, scientists believe that microbes could live in its vast methane lakes, these microbes are called extremophiles as they live hostile conditions. NO WE ARE NOT ALONE!
  15. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Best Places to Find Life in Our Solar System

    I wanted to add Europa as another moon within our solar system that has high probability of life. Jupiter's moon Europa is an ice moon. The exterior is frozen being so far from the sun, but it's interior is liquid because the gravitational force of Jupiter is constantly bending and warping it causing heat(the same way a metal hanger heats up when bent repeatedly). Scientists predict an ocean containing several times more water than can be found in all the oceans of Earth. I beleive this is the best chance of finding life in the near future. Bacteria would be great, but I'm hoping for some sweet looking intelligent whale like creatures!

    Here's info at
    NASA - Europa
    #55 makisupa007, Jun 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2008
  16. attacaine

    attacaine Ancient
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    The reason why is this- think about the differences between us and fly, or us and an octopus, or us and a turtle. Now, those species and us share a common ancestor. Think about how many different possiblities there are for other life forms that have nothing in common with us. Here, life took many different paths, but there is an almost infinite number of variations that are possible. Other life forms could have one eye, or seven eyes, or twelve eyes, or use sonar instead of eyes. With so many possibilties, the probablility of alien life looking so much like us is almost as small as there not even being any alien life at all.

    Now, of course, you could say that "they are humans from another dimension" or that "aliens spliced their DNA and our DNA to create a hybrid to communicate with us" or something like that, but there is absolutely no evidence for those assumptions. Remember folks, when you "assume," you make an "ass" out of "u" and "me."
  17. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    have you seen that picture someone posted awhile ago, there are over a bajillion systems in this universe, and there are bajilions of universes,
    there are people and other things out there, which are too far away to ever be seen
  18. dbs

    dbs Ancient
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    I don't think we're alone- the universe is a big, big place, and surely, we can't be the only ones to be living here, right? Just look at some stories, and why the government are all so quick to hush it all up.They wouldn't be doing it for no reason.They know something is out there, and they just don't want us to know.

    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
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    but you have to admit if the government didn't cover up then most people would go crazy and flip out just because there is other life
    #59 IxGUNxSLINGERxI, Jul 22, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2008
  20. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
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    Gun has a point there.....
    The government can handle all of the craziness, like extra-terrestials, and crazy as hell people that have heard about the "visitors". The government is tough enough to take all of this stuff, and turn it into nothing. The common public, on the other hand, does not have this ability, which is why everyone freaks out whenever a strange little light appears in the night sky. I believe that there are lifeforms out there, no matter how big or small, dumb or intelligent, they are out there. The question of hostility is not something I want to bring up at this time, because I don't want the Debates forum turning into a bloodbath.

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