Neighbor is a superb player, but Walshy leaving? I hope not. But I still feel secure with the Ogre twins, Strongside and Neighbor if this happens.
It would've been posted on MLG | Major League Gaming but I'm sure that he would make a good addition to Str8 Rippin. I don't think that Neighbour would join FB though, T2 completely carries Rippin. But Walshy isn't that good of a player individually, but he's smart. If anyting I think that FB should drop walshy for T2. But I highly doubt he has swapped for Neighbour.
This is pretty much confirmed at this point that Neighbor will be on FB. Walshy is not a top tier player individually in halo 3. In halo 2 he was but recently they had no chance of hanging with TD or Str8 because they simply got outslayed (or at least walshy did). Neighbor is absolutely disgusting, easily one of the best individual players in halo 3 and now they actually match up better against TD (currently the other scariest team) Neighbor + Srongside = Hysteria + Snipedown Ogre1 + Ogre2 >>>> SK + fearitself = FB Winning Str8 could still be up there, but only if they pick up another nasty main slayer like Karma or someone. T2 does not carry that team, Legit and Neighbor did although T2 is still disgusting and could pick up some of the slack. Elamite kind of just fed off of the other three like Saiyan used to do for final Boss a while back, that being said he can still hold his own on a top team. Triggers and FB are going to be leagues ahead of everyone else now, Str8 could still be there but only if they get someone close to Neighbors abilities. And for those saying this is a bad move, the ogres have never made a bad personnel change ever. Dropping whoever they dropped to get Saiyan, Dropping Saiyan for strongside, both those moves put them in first place and I bet this will do the same.
I have been hearing alot of people saying rumors that fb is making an announcement at toronto but im not trustung this i think people are wanting to make a fuss.
Walshy could give Str8 the edge they need. Str8 have a solid defence, they can shut down an attack, but they always lack in a bit of creativity. Everything they do is textbook. Walshy could bring that creativity, and he could be like Hysteria from when Str8 played TD in the orlando finals.
Str8 is not picking up walshy apparently he is probably going to play with Chilled Reality or PSF (Gandhi's team). Walshy is not comparable to Hysteria in any way, he can't out slay the people on FB Str8 or TD but he'll do good on a lower seeded team. This is Walshy being DROPPED people, not him changing teams. He isn't the halo 2 player he was.
Aah I know why he quit. Everybody, stop panicking, it's because I went +8 against him in team doubles!.
EDIT: I take back everything I said. Mortarion, you're a giant douche bag, and I don't even care if it was a joke. Thanks to Lightz for pointing this out.
Mortarion you're full of ****. You photoshopped that thing about you being sick at sniping and you photoshopped this badly too, just look at the date! Heres the link to the game you photoshopped you ****ing douche: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 Game Details Back on topic apparently Neighbor got payed a ton to join FB. Elamite's sig at mlg: LOL
OMFGNROFLMAO This is from a thread on OG Log wrote: Does really matter what any of these mlg twerps do with their lives? It shouldn't. He's back anyway it's official Neighbor is now with FB. Walshy is now teaming with cR along with Soviet, Perplexity and CallMeGod. called it ^^^^ I expect many cR band waggons from now on ( 99% of you here didn't know about cR in the 1st place ) Im trying to find out where his source is
Yup, Walshy is gone, he is now playing for Chilled Reality and Neighbor is officially now on FB. The New roster for FB was tearing it up at MLG Toronto. FB will definitely be back in the top 3 and Str8 will be in the top 5.
OMG i love you +rep for find walshy's gone holy **** the toronto thing wasn't a lie, aslong as its not zyos im happy:
Neighbor went back to str8 last night due to some strange behind the scenes ****. Apparently Mackeo may be/will likely be on FB now which makes me puke in my mouth.
I guess I am in the 1 percentile category then. Soviet is nasty for them. You have it the other way around. Walshy was asked to leave the team because of his -250 KD spread in the LAN with tD, and his poor performances in the past two touneys.