once again another truly epic map you do such interesting things with some of the supplies they give us anyways i will download and give you more feedback later 5/5 is what i give it cause ive seen it before but then it wasnt finished but im sure its better then when i saw it
i dont think you understand.. unless your playing forge theres NO way of getting both at the same time. ya totally some people think we work on all our maps together fr some reason but he may be talking about your song being in the vid and it fitting epicly? i donno
you've ruined your reputation, you're stuck with me. and not everyone seems to think it fits so epicly. haha
One question blaze in your black and blue map when you posted at the bottom of the post there was a preview of this map and you said you were the first to use this technique what did you mean by technique?
I just can't find any flaws with this map. I remember seeing this in your sig and going "oh sweet Blaze made a new map" and after looking for it for a while, I couldn't find it. But ah, low and behold, here it is! Another great map from you, you've really raised the bar to a point where I can't reach, and everything looks great. Wouldn't be surprised if I saw this on the front page. 5/5
well i havent gotten a chance to play it yet... but i did do a forgethrough and was not disappointed. i only found one thing... The active camo in the back hallway. Is it supposed to be set on instant respawn? because it was...
lol, i thought there was something wrong there... anyway, the map is a huge success man. I STILL have yet to play it, but im looking forward to it. (My internet keeps on going in and out so it's hard to get a game goin...)
yai donno how i missed that b/c in he test runs with the ac it wasnt there all the time and i guess i just didnt get the right file or something.. i donno but ill upload v2 2night.
another great map balze, i really like the pipes and the curved walkways, it looks really fun for 4v4 slayer or flag, great job, i cant wait to see your next map.
OMG OMG. It could be an aesthetic map its done so well. I dont think i spotted a single object that wasnt merged or interlocked in some way. this looks amazing and i especially love the fact that u used the back rooms, and they also look like they could be apart of gameplay (with doesnt even happen on the regular foundry map!!) great job. this is amazing. i rate this very easily a 8/5
looks real good Blaze. This map looks bigger than your previous works, and that makes me happy those stairs in pic onoe are merged a ridiculously long ways down.. wowowow. lol I'm definitely gonna have to check it out and I'll try and get back to ya with some more thoughts. great job though!
Your eyes have deceived you. The stairs are just interlocked into the other set of stairs, they don't appear to be heavily geo-merged into the ground. Very cool visual effect though. Nice work again.
I saw the previews for this map, and could tell it was going to be awesome. I'll download this knowing already it's going to be a masterpiece. (I just hope it turns out to really be one, and knowing your style blaze, I'm sure it will) 5/5