Skullball is Halo 3's Revolutionary Sport! For more information, visit Arena Overview: Red Spawn Blue Spawn Outside: Parking Lot Ticket Booth and Stairway Spectating Seats Action Shots: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Diagram above is a display of the Skullball Arena Two teams start at one end and rush for the Oddball. Player Traits: - Primary Weapon: Energy Sword - Secondary Weapon: None - All shields and health are normal Ball Carrier Traits: - Player Speed: 150% - Damage: 50% - All shields and health are normal General Settings: - Rounds: 5 - Points to Win: 50 - Time per round: 5 minuets To sign up for Tournaments, and Make teams, visit and go to the Forums. Spawnkilling is not a problem. You are invunrable for three seconds after you spawn. Download the Game and Map Variants Here: http;// Make sure to get the new Map! Happy Skulling!
prety cool, but too easy to spawn kill. it seems like a fun game, but the spawn killing may be really annoying. so i would give u a 4/5, but because it doesnt looks too AMAZING or new or beautifully forged, i'd give u a 3/5.
I really like this map u created but r there spawns outside the map? i really wouldn't want 2 spawn outside themap in the middle of the game. The suggestion(s) i have are: 1. Flip the bridges over and make the extend across the whole back part. 2. interlock active camos and overshields with the wall to show the sides. Overall 4/5. Keep up the good work. Would it be alright if i make my own version of this map?
ok, so it's great and all that u have rules about spawn killing, but did you get some way to do it automatically? or does party leader have to do it? if so, what if the party leader spawn kills? it seems like more of an honor rule thing. so just cuz u went to the trouble to make a rule about it, then i'll give the map a 3.5/5.
In tournaments, i will be the party leader, and i will be spectating. So i could not spawn kill. If your doing this on custom games, its your choice.
If you want to remove honor rules, why not try elevating the spawn points? Put the bridge (which I'd suggest flipping upside-down) about a box above the arena and merge it into the walls so that there's just enough space to spawn. That would largely prevent spawn camping but wouldn't drastically alter gameplay. Other than that, this looks very well forged. I like the aesthetic touches on the outside.
thats a great idea! But there are swords, people can lunge in mid air. Also people can get out of the map by standing on eachother. And the person with the skullball could hide on the spawn place with some teammates, and the teammates can kill people as they try to get up. Thankyou for your help!
if you could find a way to address the honor rule problem it would be really good. untill then 3/5. i wish grifball was swords only...
EVERYONE I HAVE FOUND A SOLUTION TO THE SPAWNKILLING PROBLEM! Invunrabillity for three seconds ater you spawn Download the new game variant.
No problem. I did anticipate the whole "throw the ball up to the spawn points" problem. You could try levitating the spawn points (just delete the bridge). Or make a change to the game: give invincibility/OS for the first second or so after spawning. Honestly, the second solution is probably the most elegant. Edit: Haha, you beat me to it. *thumbs up*