hmmm, this is interesting, if you touch it, does it wiggle its wayout? and can it still be moved around? or does it become imovable?
It may wiggle, but not out of the ground. And if it does wiggle it stops after a short amount of time. Also, it becomes a lot harder to move around, as in rockets, grav lifts, and grenades don't move the object much at all. If you place a weapon holder or teleporter node on top of the object it won't move at all.
I'm not exactly sure what the tut is describing. Send me a friend request my gamertag is GD BlueDevil. I will make a youtube video tutorial of this with my new capture card!
I will be posting a video on Youtube going through the steps visually as soon as I get my cap card to help some of you guys who need a more thorough tutorial. EDIT: Looks like someone beat me to it =)
Amazing! This is very freaking cool. I just got a wraith under the map, took me about 15 minutes. The tutorial is great and easy to follow if you have your computer next to your xbox. =)
Did the Wraith still fire when it was merged into the ground? Could you even get in the Wraith? I'm just curious, because, while we have covered the fact that this is awesome, that being able to have a plasma mortar "turret" would be even more awesome!
This is insane!! No, better, this is... revolutionary!! This deserves more views. Great idea, i will try this myself.