please rate and reply MARTYRDOM 1.the condition, sufferings, or death of a martyr. 2.extreme suffering; torment. A ruin of old sewers where traders to the people were drown and killed. nothing but old pipes and lost souls remain leaving the pipe lines as 1 big unmarked grave.... but as of now its our battlefield. DOWNLOAD : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Martyrdon, a semi-symmetrical built for the following gametypes and player amounts. 6 person FFA slay, 5v5 team slay, 2v2v2v2 slay. 4v4 1 flag or multi flag CTF, Jug, 6 player FFA Oddball, 4v4 Territories, 1, neutral or multi bomb assault. Asymmetrcal games are played completely differently then symmetrical games seeing as the spawns and weapons have considerable changes. so you never get bored. perfered gametypes are team slay, shotty snipes, conquest and 1 flag. weapons The weapon set is completely balanced b/c of the map being semi-symmetrical. 6 brs 1 shotgun (symmetrical only) 2 snipers (1 is only symmetrcal) 2 smgs 2 spikers 1 plasma pistol 2 plasma rifles hammer (asymmetrical only) 4 carbines 2 maulers 1 beam rifle (Asymmetrical only) flamethrower (asymmtrical only) 2 power drainers (1 symmetrical 1 Asymmetrical) 2 bubble shields (1 symmetrical 1 Asymmetrical) 1 trip mine 1 Camo (Asymmetrical only) nade = frags and plasmas thank you so much blood fire for your camera work. PICTURES! side B (yes i would start with side "B" SIDE A Yes there are doors, no they cant teleport you, Ivory. :-D and the back these pics are old but thought id throw them in. extra info: it IS NOT escapable, almost everything is geomerged to not allow any lost nades. DOWNLOAD! : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
yay first joking, looks amazing blaze, i thought you were goin to release on your 1000, ill try and giv it a review when i can, let me be the first to say wow!. the overall flow and layout is amazing, there are some cool features like the bridges, everything is neat and interlocked/geomerged very well, good job another one to add to the amazing map collection
haha no to unoriganal lol. i have more in stock for the next few weeks. and some ruined my suprise yesterday anyway. ha
If some douchebag hadnt stolen and posted this a few hours ago, it'd be a much better post. But he ruined it, if anything on this map goes wrong, I'll blame him, and cut him. I expected this to be your 1000th, guess I'll have to wait and see what it is, I hope its good. Two of my favourite features are the pipes made of sheild doors and open single boxes, they are really impressive and the fact that you incorporated the foundry alley, would've like to have seem some merging there, lol. I also like the use of symmetric and asymmetric weapons, I cant wait to play it. The layout looks flawless, the doors are a nice touch. I cant really find any faults at the moment. Merging is amazing btw, you've really really raised the bar Blaze. Just by the screenshots, I wouldnt be shocked to see this on the home page.
wow. thank you. im very glad to hear that from you. i hope you find a game and have a lot of fun on it.. btw if you dont mind and think it deseves it, please rate 5 star.
Aww dude this is freakin sweet! Awesome! I guess I like every part of the map. It's so cool. 5/5 for sure! Edit: lol no downloads? 2 ratings though...
thanx im glad you likeit.. if you get achance tho edit your post and give a little more info. it would be great. but im glad to even hear this much. thank you. edit: hahah i donno. prolly lag.
epicepicepicepicepicepicepicepicepicepicepicepicepicepicepicepicepicepicepicepicepicepic yes, this maps is so totally pice that it's not funny. great job on the map, it's pure awesome, has a great atmosphere about it, along with good gameplay and amazing aesthetics. oh yeah, and i'm in the vid!
yes you are in the vid and thank you very much. btw from when we tested i added something worthfull in the back rooms to make them used even more. that made me smile. thanx again. im very glad to have gotton a responce from you.
lol only complaint is the music in the vid, but that's just a matter of oppinino really... anyway, great job.
ya its a bit heavy for some people and quite quiet for me.. its Thesilencebrokens band btw. i less then 3 it.
wow.... just wow blaze. I can remember a while ago when you showed us some of those pics. I thought they were amazing. But looking at the final product is even better. Its so smooth and its aesthetics are amazing. One of the features I like are in the first pic where you have used the bridges and made them look like they are sticking out of the wall. There is something about your maps that I really like. But I just dont know what it is.
W00t this is friken awesome...I couldn't wait for you to release this lol...anyways I'm going download and check it out...I'll rate it properly later..
thank you im happy to hear your opinion.but please edit your post and give more info on wht you liek the map.
Wow Blaze you do it again/cease to amaze me.Theres so much things I would like to say about this map but it would take up 1000 pages. Merging is perfect,and on the dot.Interlocking is great and new versions of it I see there.How you used the un-used part of foundry is really really great.The shield door holding thing thats merged in the wall is just a great touch and reminds me of an actual bungie map.As linu said and others will say this has to get on the front page or this is blasphemy! Anways keep it up (Which I know you will) and I can seriously not wait to see your next creations and my astonishment =).
Ya seriously WTF?When you die and if you have grenades you always drop them.You just earned a spot in my sig.