Left 4 Dead

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Supa Spartans, Jul 14, 2008.

  1. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
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    That is one sexy mountain, good job on the map looks like you put a lot of effort and work into it. 5/5.
  2. Enigma™

    Enigma™ Ancient
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    looks really fun! definitely a DL! 5/5

    just love how you interlocked everything and it gives you a hurry-up feel in the beginning due to the 30 seconds thing...nice work. how long did it take you exactly? (if i can ask)
  3. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    Very nice interlocking, looks like it took a long time to make.
  4. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    10/10. OMG NICE!! looks really good and really well thought out. nice job. Great second map. Props
  5. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
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    Well after a forge through and a quick round on the map I must say it plays great even with an armory of sorts because there are so many ways in. So the 5/5 stays, and I congratulate on this great map.
  6. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    the mountain is beautiful i really like the terrainy look ill download. looks really nice, but completely unoriginal name though.
  7. ch33s3yboy

    ch33s3yboy Ancient
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    Hey, its NtSoSweetPotato, First things first very kool idea for a map. I liked it quite a bit, and I love your mountain, I think that their might be hiding spots that not even u know about due to the fact that you interlocked open boxes, which sometimes around your mountain lead to small little rooms. You might wanna find em all and add secret weapons or equipments or power ups. Now I'm gonna do my little "The Good and the Semi bad but not really but kinda but needs to be changed" shin dig.

    The Good:
    Great use of interlocking, your map is easy on the eyes, and I think everyone can find a favorite spot of theirs without them all having the same one, what I mean is you didn't make just 1 spot that was fun to camp at, you made tons, and I loved it. Made me wanna explore your map. You are good with the secret stuff so keep it up.

    The Semi bad but not really but kinda but needs to be changed:
    From the start I noticed the thing that always grinds my gears: Weapon Placement!
    Nice job with the BR's though. Keep those shotty's hidden. When you spawn as a human when I was observing the inside of the mountain I looked up to find an open box, inside was a reciever node holding up a pallet, this would be a very nice place to hide not the sniper house but below it, so I suggest adding a Grav lift somewhere hidden so someone can jump up there, and maybe you could slip a shotty up there too. When I was a zombie I was killed as soon as I ran out. I suggest putting teleporters inside the trash cans, so when the grav lift blows away the cans it reveals sender nodes and they would take you somewhere like behind the mountain or where the zombies spawn( not at the starting points but after they r killed). Back to the weapons, everyone always puts weapons like SMG's or pistols and crap like that, but know one ever uses them cuz they suck and are worthless compared to BR's and Sniper's and crap like that. But don't over power your humans with shotty's and snipers. So try to balance it out. Other than that crap I like it a lot.

    Funnes: 8/10
    Design: 9.5/10
    Spawning: 10/10
    Weapon Placement: 7/10

    Overall: 8/10 Would love to see a V2

    Plz rep!! =]
  8. The Nasal Abyss x

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    I'm sorry, but I don't like how it looks like just a mindless mess of interlocking. Sorry if that soundedrude, but perhaps a little facelift in a v. 2?
  9. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    im not sure this map is supposed to look like this or if it just sloppy... i'll assume it's supposed to look like that. great job, looks fun
  10. Saint Prodigy

    Saint Prodigy Ancient
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    looks super cool i like how the double boxes and crates fused form a mountain. looks very realistic
  11. Supa Spartans

    Supa Spartans Ancient
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    Um, this isn't random...there is an entire mine inside of it, so how could it be a "mindless mess of interlocking". Also this map is a MOUNTAIN.
  12. pred10122

    pred10122 Ancient
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    i love the mountain idea i will download it. does this have anything to do with the new videogame coming in november?
  13. youngian

    youngian Guest

    cool map i love secret passages in any game and with halo its the best im gonna download it once i get xbox live.
  14. Dark Synth

    Dark Synth Ancient
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    That mountain looks fantastic! It must of taken you hours!

    Job well done.
  15. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
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    This look like a intelligently fused pile of poop, which I like...:)

  16. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    Downloaded and played this morning. Amazing idea, but needs some work, alot of people were getting stuck in random places.
    Amazing interlocking
    Good Idea
    Well Executed

    Needs work still

    But overall 7/10

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