What is your favorite map from any game ever? this is not just secluded to halo, or any best selling game or anything, just the best map, the game, and why -Mine is Maelstrom from Shadowrun, because it's three floors, with blinding mist separating it, cutting off your line of sight from floor to floor, and in the middle of the map their is a beam that hurts you if you touch it, and a ring around it on each floor, floating in the mist What's yours?
Probably suspense from Unreal Tournament 3. Its a giant bridge with a base at each end of it. you can go on top of the bridge, on the road, or under it where a nuclear missile lies. I think this map would be perfect for halo 3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQp0brdDePo
From all of Halo - Midship, from Call of Duty 4 - Backlot, from GoW - Gridlock, from Shadowrun - Lobby
Facing Worlds from Unreal Tournament. It will always have a place in my heart. Turf from Halo 2 is up there, too.
hey its also in ut3 i didn't know it was a remake. i would like to see a planet more than octopus arms too.
Coagulation/Glood Gulch. fckin epic battles of 2 flag on their. Downpour on COD4 because my Ghost class owns on there.
Facility on Goldeneye was the classic level and by far my favorite level on Goldeneye and any nintendo game. Goldeneye was also on of my favorite shooters ever too so i definitely have to say Facility from Goldeneye.
Ice Drop, from Lost Planet: Extreme Condition. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5C7pHGoT6wo&feature=related
Facility from Goldeneye is a great one... but Lockout from H2 trumps them all. Its really no contest.
Halo: Combat Evolved - Hang'em High http://youtube.com/watch?v=iQ1Um_H_MG8 There is just something about the map I just cant put in to words about how awesome it is. Even it's reincarnation Tombstone (Halo 2) is a great map. This was the first map I played for Halo and FPS's all together.
That is so Spam. _________ I have many of epic games on Hang'em High. One game was my Brother and I v.s. my Two uncles and Cousin in a Multi-flag CTF match. Our setting were always Pistol starts with no grenades at start. We always had me as a strong D player covering him on his way back while slaying them from the catwalks. We would alter on captures him taking D while I was on the Offense. He was great with the sniper in Halo:CE and in the end the score was 5 to 2. We also played what is now Shotty Snipes and it was some of the most fun I have had in Halo.