
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by thesilencebroken, Jun 29, 2008.

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    UGA ROCK Ancient
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    WOW, This map is amazing, my favorite part is the fence staircase, but everything else is sweet too. A definite DL and please, please KEEP FORGING! 6/5
  2. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    thanks man, we are actually working on a new map as we speak. stay tuned for it. :D
  3. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    why does it have to stop i saw the first and this one but why oh why does it have to stop it is really nice it is a very cool map well done 10/9.99999999
    thesilencebroken likes this.
  4. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    The map is really fun and plays really well overall. I had fun playing FFA Hill even though it isnt mentioned above. I really do enjoy playing on this map and will have it saved in my inventory of maps. I really do like the sniper outpost in the back.
  5. Cries Of Pain

    Cries Of Pain Ancient
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    wow! this map is truely amazing! so much effort put fourth to the item placement and fuzing, all i can say is Bravo on the unparralelled achievement!
  6. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    This is is very fun map to play ffa slayer on, theres action everywhere. I forget im on foundry when playing it. I love the fencewall walkways and ramps and i love the middle. The stairs with the bridge on top of them is a nice touch. You and blaze did a great job, congrats on making a great map.
  7. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    When is this damn thing gonna be featured?
  8. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    Looks really good! 10/10. nice interlocking and good work on the map.
  9. A SouthPark Kid

    A SouthPark Kid Ancient
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    Hey looks like a 5/5 DL from me for sure. Also you should put in a poll where you can vote if helps the viewers, so when they click your post if they see 10 people voted 1/5 then they would click back, but if they see 10 people voted 5/5 then they will look at it for sure.
    My Maps
    Work In Progress
    Field Of Barrek
  10. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    when and if someone finds it to be something that is extraordinary and deemed worthy of being held above others.

    thank you. i really wanted a map that wasnt just a ball of grenades and gunfire in one area.. [ice cave on snowbound, im looking at you...]

    i didnt include a poll because i find that it kills off replies. as it is, i had a hard time getting people to actually play a game on it and give me anything more than "its awesome, 5/5!!". People would simply click their choice because its easy and doesnt require effort, and be done with it, and the thread wouldve sank to the bottom with my previous efforts.
    Blaze likes this.
  11. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
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    this map looks pretty awsome. seems tight for faster kills in each area
  12. krazy2dope

    krazy2dope Ancient
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    Ok His Map Is Great My Brother Pu His Blood Sweat And Tears Into It This Map Really Needs To Be Featured With Almost 5,000 Views. Anyways The Main Tower Base Is Cool And The Stair Bridges Are Awesome And The Hammer Is Great I Love It . Anyways The Game Play Is Hectic But Not Too Hectic Like Murderotica But Thia Map Is Over All Great 10/10 So Go Download It Now:)
  13. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    I havent posted on this thread yet, so I thought I will take the time to explain a few things about the map. Well I have played on it around ten times. Each time I played on it I thought it was smooth, its aesthetics are great but the thing that I thought that let it down was how many power weapons are on the map. There is a overshield, active camo, shotgun, hammer and a sniper. That is alot of weapons for a small teamed map. When I did play on it I always thought someone had a source of power. My suggestions are to take out maybe one of those weapons. I was thinking the shotgun because of its dominance in close range. Hopefully taking that out will make the gameplay better and more balanced. Besides that the map is great and I cant wait for further projects made by either Blaze or silencebroken.
  14. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    i appreciate the time you took to write all that down. most people gimme a 5 and run off. Anyways, i was very happy with how this turned out. All the weapons i felt were balanced because of how difficult it was to use most of them in the open. The shotgun is the least likely weapon to be removed though... cause its my baby. :D

    PS, i heart your sig.
  15. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    yeah you have probably... well definatly played it more than I have, so you would have more of a experience and knowledge of the map. Its just me though, I find the shotgun very overpowered and can sometimes make the team with the shotgun win.

    I just had a look ever the weapons and there spawn times and I see that you have made the shotgun with zero clips. I like to see that.

    Its an awesome sig isnt it :p
  16. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    while i love the shotgun, its can easily ruin a game and map... gotta do what ya gotta do. the thing about the weapons, is that you can easily stay up on the high areas and massacre the user with the shotgun or the hammer.
  17. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
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    i think it equils out quite well or myself.. b/c even in close range i pick the sniper over all b/c i can noscope very well.. its just a personal liking and what your goodat i think.. its fast pace battling as well and if your not used to that im sure the close range weapons will be a bit harder to control unless you have them.. so its kinda just opnion in this matter i think..

    also i think that higher grounds makes the close range weapons notso powerful..
  18. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    Yeah I know what you mean. It does even out in the end. When I played on it I usually grabbed the sniper and held that spot where the sniper spawns. But each time I got owned with the shotgun and camo or OS. But I now know to use sniper in even higher ground.
  19. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
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    yes or you could get higher grounds and try to get the AC as well then theylhave to try to take that from you :-D
  20. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    As many people have said before, it is a very well made map. Many people have a great time withit but ifpeople camp at the top of the map than there will be spawn killing. This is not very fun. Overall it was good. I love what you did with those stairs.
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