Dog Fight in The Sky This is the most fun you will have in a long time. I have created a much more fun version of this game. Get it if you liked the first version. Download v2 Description: I was tired of waiting. I realized nobody was going to realize my dream for me. So, over hours of saving and quitting, testing, and basic adjusting it is finally done. Dreams do come true, Dog-fight is a large party minigame where two teams fight over the hill in the sky. The sky hill is littered with floating structures which provide some cover but also make defending the hill hard. Each person spawns with five seconds of invincibility and a rocket launcher. Each team has two banshees, one hornet,two bubble shields, four mongeese, and one turret. Everything is on the fastest respawn possible. Sure you can use the elephants but why would you want to? Also as a side not Hornets rule the skies, control them and keep yours alive! I have tested this with my friends, so the mongeese come in real handy when there are no flying vehicles. simply hop on one get a friend on the back and go wreak havoc on the other team's base. Overall, with a big party this is an extremely fun game. BIG EDIT: Apparently some of you think you are suppost to go up to the hill and fight there. NO! If you cant fly you fight on the ground. The only way you could ever fall is if you stupidly jumped out of the hornet... or died. This is not a sky fort map the objects in the sky make for a more interesting fight. I tried it without the objects and it was much less enjoyable...Got it? This game is not complicated AT ALL! It may take some teamwork but its not that hard. Overview Red Base Blue Base Blue Base turret Red base turret and a nice view. Horrnet fight! Close one. Horrnet and banshee fight. (Banshees almost always lose.) The Banshee defeated. Right there... I was killed by a rocket lancher. Don't get cocky in the hornet. I hope you enjoy the game!
if you fall you FAIL!! and it looks interesting but i really can't rate because i have only a slight idea of what i'm looking at.
it could use work, some places look like if you jump there your stuck, maybe move it cose thogether, and what happens when you fall, is there a teleporter, because if thats it there could be camping, good idea, work on it
Looks pretty cool, good to see a non dlc map, and i feel this is one of the best non dlc maps i hav seen, a great idea and looks really fun but it would be better if you included some action shots, but still looks really good
Ok... now that you have maps it seems like it could be pretty fun. 6/10. not actually a mini-game tho... like in my opinion.
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD OR WHO EVER YOU WORSHIP!!!! JUST TRY IT! GET SOME FRIENDS AND FREAKEN TRY IT!!!... Come on I know I reveiw maps with out downloading sometimes but in sandtrap I CAN'T do any of that fancy stuff you do in new maps!!! HOBO HIEGHTS looked like it would suck A LOT but I downloaded it, and played it, and LOVED IT!!! So cut me some slack and don't give me a bad review because it DOSEN'T lOOk like a minigame ethier! Thats just not fair man.
It seems like a great idea and its also branned new and not overused. Im glad to see that someone has some new ideas and its not on foundry too. Personally i love the idea. I do have one question. If all the air vehicles are destroyed can you still get in the hill somehow? It seems that if you vehicles where on a fast enough respawn time this would make for great air battles. I think that if you have the money for it you should also make a large platform that can be controlled for easy control of the hill. Over all though i think this is a great map and its great that its original and non DLC. I think you might have come up with a great new dogfighting style gametype and you should try this idea on other maps as well. Props to you and I hope to see more from you.
This really looks amazing. I don't know if you were going for this, but it totally reminds me of Star Fox. Except on this level he was a tank. STAR FOX 64! DO A BARREL ROLL!! Haha. Simply an amazing idea for an amazing map. Great job Sir.
Looks pretty kool, but I think what would be better is if you did this on Avalanche, and Put a hill on each side of the Horse shoe (shape of map) then have them change every so often so then instead of using boxes on platforms and stuff you can use interlocking and make it perty!
Looks really good, espcially with the floating cover. I think the hornets might be overpowered. Would you mind if I made a different version on Avalanche?
First, kudoos for not using a DLC map. Second, kudoos for a mini game map. AWSOME. Third, the games seems to have to aspects of it, so maybe a little more description?
When i saw this i didnt think it would be that good do to the fact that sandtrap is huge and there is only six flying vehicles but when i saw you made and area they had to fly in to get points i began to like. I really like the floating structures to. great map.