Create a new vehicle, weapon, power-up, equipment, map, whatever!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mr. Skittles, Jul 4, 2008.

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  1. attacaine

    attacaine Ancient
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    Race: Covenant aerial vehicle
    Crew: 5- 1 pilot, 4 passengers
    Weaponry: 1 Plasma Turret; fires straight ahead.
    Armor: Similar to Warthog
    Attributes: Has radar cross-section similar to infantry. Has Active Camo that cam be activated with "LT." The Active Camo does not work while dropping off passengers. All passengers can dropped off with 'LB".
    Strengths: Can insert multiple troops without warning.
    Weaknesses: Must decloak to drop of passengers, takes longer to cloak than regular Camo due to size. Has minimal armaments if it does get into a fight.

    Race: Covenant aerial vehicle
    Crew: 1 pilot
    Armor: Similar to Prowler
    Weaponry: Fuel Rod Gun turret mounted on underside (fires projectiles similar to Banshee's bombs, but slightly more powerful, on par with the Wraith Plasma Mortar)
    Attibutes: Features limited boost, otherwise moves at moderate speed.
    Strengths: A bomber capable of decimating enemy ground forces.
    Weaknesses: No secondary weapon, likelihood of surviving a skirmish is unlikely.

    Shrapnel Rifle
    Race: Human
    Bullets per clip: 28
    Spare Clips: 3
    Bullet Strength: About 1 Assault Rifle bullet.
    Description: Fires 7 bullets with a massive spread.
    Strengths: Excellent for providing cover fire or for firing into a crowd of enemies.
    Weaknesses: Massive spread makes it virtually useless for small targets, any far away target, or basically anything that requires precision and/or accuracy.
    #61 attacaine, Jul 17, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2008
  2. Commander Xillian

    Senior Member

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    Name: Energy Axe
    Race: Brute
    Description: a brutally efficiant axe, its two blades are pure energy, which are at the top of a long, two handed shaft.
    Pros: upon being hit, if you survive, you are slowed down for the remained of your life. you turn, move, and shoot slower. controls are slugish. attack can be charged, so you can swing at a moments notice, but you beome slower as you hold it in charged.
    Cons: requires a slight amout of time before the attack comes, and takes about 1 sec till you are ready to swing again.
    Name: Renegade
    Race: human
    Description: a large, flying fortress, akin to an elefant, but has a clamp inside, twods the bottom, that has a hornet docked. has four turrets, two on eather side, on the back, and a bombard on the bottom. has remote controlled weapon systems, ranging from a misile launcher, to a chain gun on the front. looks alittle like a human version of the U shaped drop-ship., from the side, if you slung a hornet in the middle, made it a wee bit bigger, and added some more guns.
    pros: is a flying fortress of pure destruction. ignores terrain. can only be destroyed by a orbital strike.
    Cons: rather slow.
    Name: O.S.L.T. (orbital Strike Lazer Designator)
    Description a pair of binoculars, linked-up to a cannon in outter space. can be used to designate targets to be hit with a solid beam of energy.
    Pros: can destroy damn near any-thing, save well-made buildings. if lock is unable to be made, the cannon will contine to charge, and will be aimed where you designate.
    Cons: takes a three minnet cool down. need to maintain a visual for 50 secionds.
    #62 Commander Xillian, Jul 18, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2008
    DRiSCOLL likes this.
  3. flaming omelet

    flaming omelet Ancient
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    Name: Stinger
    Race: Human
    Description: Stinger is basically a duel wieldable flare gun. Has a one shot magazine. Shoots a flare w/ the same brightness of the regular flare, in a slight arc. If it makes contact with someone they go up in flames like with a firebomb nade.
    Pros: One hit kills and blinds enemies/friendlies.
    Cons: Only one shot magazine.
  4. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    Name: Soddering Gun

    Race: Human and Covenant versions.

    Description: The Soddering Gun is made to fix vehicles to their best condition, basically before it is used. The Human version simply looks like a computerized soddering gun. The Covenant version is a long purple stick, with a visible plasma battery. Human Soddering guns can only fix Human Vehicles, and Covenant Soddering Guns can only fix Covenant Vehicles. The bigger the vehicle, the slower it takes to repair it. Each have a battery life.

    Pros: Can patch up spots on vehicles that can fall off and make you more subseptable to small-arms fire. Like fixing the Hornet's glass cockpit, so that good Snipers can't snipe you when the glass has completely broken.

    Cons: Has a battery life, and can Overheat, causing it to loose more battery life.
  5. thebeastlyboy15

    thebeastlyboy15 Ancient
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    This may have already been said, (and im not reading all 64 sum posts)
    Race - Human
    Mode - Equiptment
    Name - Claymore
    Descrip - Similar to claymores used in Call of Duty 4

    (this ones kind-of HaloCE inspired)
    A rocket launcher type devise that shoots plasma nades :D
    (just imagine sticking the whole other team!)

    Thats all i got right now
  6. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
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    Chainsaw Rocket Launcher
    Race- Human
    Mode- Power weapon
    Name Chainsaw RL
    Description- IF you can't guess it is a rocket launcher that shoots chainsaws, it is balanced by having little ammo and needs to reload after each shot. The other thing is you can hear it coming, but when it hits you it chainsaws you.
  7. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    It would be cooler if had just an normal Chainsaw with a similar looking to the Flamethrower.

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    dam i havnt got a name for it,
    but its a power up that puts a marker above your head like the ones over your team mates so that you can run around and the other team won't shoot you, so than you can get a headstart or sneak up on them :)
  9. Lcarnacieg

    Lcarnacieg Ancient
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    Type: Equipment
    Effect: Stops any Spartan, Elite, or Vehicle from moving for 10 seconds. You can still use weapons, grenades, or any other equipment that is near you.
    #69 Lcarnacieg, Jul 20, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2008
  10. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
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    That would be cool but wouldn't they notice that your not the same color?
    DRiSCOLL likes this.
  11. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    true... mmm the power up changes your armour colour and whoever looks at you then you have some1 elses tage eg if john (j17) looked at me than he would see above the marker b12 and bill (b12) would see j17
    your teamate would see you as normal, kinda like the spy in team fortress 2
    Supernaut likes this.
  12. Fiatluxmortem94

    Fiatluxmortem94 Ancient
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    Group: Human
    Weapon Type: Melee
    Name: Katana
    Description: Human version of the Energy Sword and Grav hammer. Basically the same function as the energy sword except a bit faster and a longer lunge. After a while the blade dulls and finally breaks, just leaving the butt end to beat somebody down.
  13. N1NJ4

    N1NJ4 Ancient
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    I really wish these were in Halo 3
  14. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Large, 8-16 player map, with flat grund, with one or two hills, each having an old, gnarled tree. On one end is an old abandoned air base, with hangars containing old, Iraqi War-Era Blackhawks and F-22's. None of these have any fuel residing in their empty fuel tanks, and cannot be driven. At one end of this air base is a tall tower that resembles a control tower for an Airport. This houses a Sniper Rifle. Warthogs and two Mongooses are housed at the other end in a garage, which has the team's spawn points and few weapons. At the other, far end of Slaughterfield, is a vast, underground bunker-shelter with four entrances. The top cannot be seen, it is covered with grass and bushes. An underground elevator lifts up the vehicles placed on it and opens onto the top. There are clusters of rocks placed over the map, providing cover. In the distance can be seen air-raids on towns seen miles away. On timed gametypes, one has the ability to see a nuclear launch appear on the horizon tha happens at the ten second mark. At this point sirens blare, and the sky turns deep red. The original sky's colour is a dark bluish-purple. On the far right side is a long, low, stone wall marking the barrier. This barrier cannot be glitched through or passed through. The map's height barrier is about 300 feet above (Sandtrap's height). One the left side (near the barrier but not next to) is the hulking husk of an old Iraqi War-Era tank, providing excellent cover.

    I hope you guys like that :D
  15. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    name: gull
    side: unsc
    desription:it is a big bulky flying aircraft, it has two missle pods on the side, that must be manned by two others to operate. theres a hook on the bottom that can pickup anything smaller than a tank. the people in the vehicle can stay in and shoot, but it would be hard to aim. it can either land and drop the vehicle, or it can drop it in the air, and in midair, a parachute is deployed, slowing the descent. good for a fast drop, but can be shot at from the ground.
  16. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    My Weapon-Auto locking missle pod rockets that Attach to your shoulders as a shoulder permutation.
    The only way it works is you have to be on a map with the missle pod on it and instead of you picking the missle pod up the Halo announcer is like," Missles activated". Now that would be bad ass.

    My Vehicle- It would be a modified mongoose that is a little bit bigger and supports 3 people at once. It would have dual action shooting cannons one on the front and one on the back. The one on the back would be controlled by one of your peoples on board your modified mongoose and the front would be controlled by the secondary passenger and if there is no secondary passenger it would be controlled by the driver.

    My equipment- A lock on missle that is 100% accurate when used and it kills the nearest guy on the map. With a 10ft radius killing anyone in that area.
  17. Andrew_b

    Andrew_b Ancient
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    Doesn't shoot, but melee is one hit kills :D
  18. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    rofl thats so sick!!! lololol
  19. Dizfunky

    Dizfunky Ancient
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    Transportation on Ground
    Much like the batman motorcycle, except camoflauged.
    Dual light machine guns
    Fastest vehicle in Halo
  20. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    thats epic, like at the 10 second mark a nuclear explosion obliterates the map. and all the players watch as it creaps closer. thats dead awesome only, at the one second mark (or when its clear of a winning side) the winners get a massive shield from a bolt in the sky, from like an orbital ship, and then can survive the blast, still able to see, but barely, and the losing side just immidiately dies from the blast. that would be an awesome level right there.

    F80 tactical rifle.
    black, like the battle rifle, accept, a longer clip, a laser sight that can be noticed as a red line(so it has to be in capable fast reflex hands as it needs to be aimed down to lose attenction)
    accurate as teh battle rifle, accept automatic, but with hal0 2 like recoile.
    has a longer range like a sniper, just not as accurate.
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