Shut the door! Created by Own3dyoo credits to kayaman13 for the wall gadget Infection You should(name of gametype) It is for infection and the pics really describe the entire map Weapons: Name |# |Spawn time BR |4 |Never Magnum|12|30 sec Needler |2 |Never SMG |2 |Never Spiker |2 |Never Gametype Rounds:3 Alpha zombie- Shields:None Weapons-Sword and grvity hammer (everything else at default) Zombies Same as alpha zombie but they don't get gravity hammers Humans Weapon-plasma pistol infinite ammo-NO (everything else default) _________________________________________________ human spawn and zombie tele receiver the door(open) door closed and the other way in in the left corner close up of the other way(bottome right corner of the pic above) halfway through the other way the end of the other way(through the man cannon overview of the other side sniper tower and armory the armory(first floor) brute shot room (bubble shields in left corner) zombie spawnpoints(can't see) Hallway to the teleporter the teleporter(receiver is on the top pic) _____________________________________________ Download MAP HERE Download GAMETYPE HERE
So you basically built a Zombie map map around the Wall Gadget put some armory's on it and called it finished? Looks boring and unoriginal sorry to sound harsh but its true.
the switch is made by someone else cause i had that map any way this is a nice map ever way good job 9/10
Not to be negative or anything but i could see the switch for more of a ctf or assault map, and kayaman made the switch and the stairs going up to it, you should also remove the armories. I think a v2 is a must.
armory offically terrible and the unlimited bubble no,the wall is okay but the interlocking needs to be a little better
this map looks alright pretty bare in my opinion could be fun but it out it looks a little campy for my likes though anywho 3/5
yea, dude. not the best use of that switch. most people try to incorporate the wall gadget into their map and it ends up feeling tacked on. ironically, in this case, the map feels more tacked on to the wall gadget.. you tried. props for that. but it could be a lot better. sorry =/
Looks Pretty Cool you might wanna place the guns so it looks like a slayer map not a campaign level but its still cool looking, keep forging
dang i know you guys are trying to help but stop the flaming also i originally didn't plan on posting this but a bunch of people convinced me to because they thought it was a lot of fun for infection
Sorry but its a bit of a fail. Still, its good to see someone trying to incorporate someone's switch in to a real map.
Looks very sloppy and untidy, 3.6/5. And u did save this map because i have seen it before (the switch) But U must do some Editing
Yup , and I started the trend Anyways, 3/5. The map is basically barren. The entire wall gadget is there, The Stairs and everything. Though, I have a question... Is there just the one powerup? and did you tamper with the mechanism to only use that one powerup?
It seems to me (though I could be wrong) that once you close the door, all the humans could camp the single entrance into the base until running out of ammo without too much of a challenge, or take turns so that time expires before anyone gets killed.
Well, when the wall is active, the dumpsters respawn after 10 seconds and you (as a zombie) have one second to kill the humans camping
Ok, that makes more sense. Still, though, it seems like it might be a very difficult to kill even a single human if they are grouped together.
Trust me, I worked from when this switch came out to when i finally completed my map "The Wall." They wont see it coming... though justt thinking about it, maybe the gametype should have two starting zombies, so its easier and so you can attack from two places at once.
I made it so that humans can't jump in the mancannon shoot and they get shot in the fence box safely protected by the shield doors also if the zombies knock(melee) for a little the door opens quickly and lets them in and then closes yes i did tamper around with it so there is only one powerup