My Evil Step-Dad

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Steeveness, Jul 19, 2008.

  1. Steeveness

    Steeveness Ancient
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    Hello, I'm Steeveness...

    My life, is full of disapointment lately ... I get paranoid, nervous and also I worry alot. I go to school in Scotland, I'm 15 and I'm nearly going to be sitting my exams I worry about my exams alot because, if I don't get the qualifications I need I wont be able to go to university and become a games-developer.

    My hobbies are skateboarding, hanging with friends and also games (and lots of them lol) When I was young my mum and my dad split up, which I took really personally and that day always torments me, I don't see my dad now as he isn't the best of a father figure and is a compulsive lier with alot of money, he often uses his money to get his own way.. but I seen past that, So I relised I better end the relationship and forget about him... he has no one left.

    My mum found another partner.. Derek my step-dad now.. I don't get on with him he is a bossy type and has attempted to hit me but, I fought back.. that was a couple of years ago now.. I'm stronger than him I know it, we all went to family counciling or some **** like that well, derek my step-dad pretended to be all depressed and upset on how he acts around me I just sat there ignoring it. I ****ing hate them man, he is the kind of guy that thinks he knows best he acts nice to his kids, but me and my sisters he treats us like a piece of dirt he acts asif the chores in the house are everything, I take my old dog (corrie) out for a walk, I do dishes my room is normally tidy.. whenever they are out working we most of the time make sure the place is tidy, and ready for them comming in, but Derek is never happy if there is one stupid tiny molecule out of place its a BIG lecture where he goes on and on about ****ing pointless **** that he thinks he knows about, just about half an hour I go I heard him saying to my mum ''I'm the most intellegent person in the house'' BULLSHIT hes a ****ing low life old fashioned mess.

    (The reason why I'm writing this thread is to see if you guys have went through a similar situation before so I can see how to deal with a life like this,)

    Today, I came back from taking my dog a walk I thought, right I thought I'll go back clean the DOG (Raining scotland lol) and i will play my 360 for a bit, So I did that although, not properly .. I never noticed she was still dirty so, she got the carpet messy and you should have seen the way derek reacted acting asif i'm the ****ing rain maker or some ****.

    I admit the dog, should've been clean although, i thought she was.. so then I was told no 360 and I blanked him and my mum for a while, then i went upstairs and cleaned the carpet, I went back down to turn the 360 off until tommorrow and I noticed, it has a red light with error codes comming up I WONDER WHO ****ING DONE THAT, derek is really sneaky he even once, went through my sisters chat logs shes 16, and its private.. hes calling her everything under the sun.. though if we say anything back its screaming abuse.

    Although, derek never used to be like this he used to be nice, but I think I know why he was nice, to weedle his way into this family so he can act the boss.
    see if you ask him whats for dinner?
    he takes along time to answer its asif he gets a ****ing kick out of making you wait for his answer... see if there is a movie on and you ask whats this?
    he'll say its a film..
    so you have to wait and say what's it called!
    it's stuff like that would put you over the edge, don't get me wrong hes really smart.. it's like he knows what your thinking before you say anything.

    There you go rant over please don't laugh or mock what I've told you all as I've never told anyone else this before.

    by Steve

    ( my 360 :(
    IxGUNxSLINGERxI likes this.
  2. My Local Sniper

    My Local Sniper Ancient
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    My gosh, I am so sorry for you. I live in England, and I am half Scottish. I have a friend who's mum and dad split up. They never got on with one another. My friend is always really upset, his former personality is drenched. Whenever I go round his house for dinner, his dad is usually there arguing with his mum. They really go for it, and frankly my friend is wanting to live with his Dad now. He developed anger management, bad vocabulary and doesn't get on well at school. He is, without doubt, the smartest person in our year and form, but with what brains he has his re-vamped personality takes it all away.
  3. Steeveness

    Steeveness Ancient
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    Yeah abit like myself My paranoia makes my personality fade games are the only thing that blocks it out...

    By the way add me on live.
  4. overthehodge

    overthehodge Ancient
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    wany my advice.....? do some male bonding. its not gay or nothin like that, its not to flash; its just u and m8 or dad or in ur case ur step-dad. do something he enjoys, talk to him and tell him that u just want to get on with him. my parents are split up and i was pretty devastated but i stll get on great with my dad and i think that he is better off. my mum and him are still good friends despite the fact my dad had an affair and i see him regularly.
    i reckon ur so called 'paranoia' isn't paranoia. its u telling urself that u are not happy. u gotta change that. also good luck on ur exams (gcse's?) i am currently studying for A2 6th form exams. might attend university.
  5. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    sigh, TLDR

    i'd be happy to give some advice if you summed it all up in one short paragraph
  6. Steeveness

    Steeveness Ancient
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    Not an option o you not think i've tried all of that before?
    he hates everything.. and yeah, I do have paranoia it's like a constant urge to check things... or compulisive worrying thanks for the advice anyways
  7. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    I think my dad is crazy too. he drove the sit down mower (Remember - very electric and made of metal) during a severe storm.
  8. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    I know how it feels to have your mom and dad split up. Luckily I was old enough and I was going to college in three years. I'm not sure what to do except to get him in trouble or talk to your mom about it. If she doesn't believe you, get a movie recorder or a voice recorder and record him yelling at you. Start crying while talking to her and threaten to run away. If your mom doesn't care about the situation, maybe you need to move in with your father if that is possible.

    The whole trouble thing is that all you need to do is ignore his yelling. Ignore all of his rambling and screaming. If he does it while you're watching T.V. turn the volume up. Don't acknowledge him at all. Put in some headphones, just turn completely sour towards him. I'm not sure how far you would need to go, maybe break something of value to him, but really, just wait until he hits you and call the police. He'll regret everything he's ever done when he's sitting in the jail house. Maybe then your mother will care about the situation. Well, this is my two cents.

    BTW: He may be smart, but people who have a tendency to have anger issues will be over whelmed by them and could do something drastic. You could also team up with your sister for revenge. Double the trouble means twice the amount of anger. Anyways, like I said, I don't know how far you want to go, but this is just a suggestion.
  9. skaterdude770

    skaterdude770 Ancient
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    You take all that, yet your stronger than him? Tell your dad about the situation and then move in with him.
  10. Steeveness

    Steeveness Ancient
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    I don't speak to my real dad, ... k

    Thanks for your suggestions,

    & Yes that did happen he did hit me and the police did come.. he nearly lost his job if he lost his job then it would be hard going, he didn't get a record as I didn't press charges though that was a while ago now, secretly I know my mum knows how out of order he is, I think she knows he's got something seriously wrong with him I just think she would rather stay put in this nice house.... and keep all her lifestyle than get another divorce... and thats another thing i don't think she wants a second divorce she always thinks on what other people think, not whats true to her.
    #10 Steeveness, Jul 19, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2008
  11. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    heyy, thats kind of like my dad, all he thinks about is cleanliness and when we clean everything he still thinks that everything is dirty. then he doesn't even clean anything whatsoever on his own. the he starts getting mad and going crazy and shouting.
  12. Steeveness

    Steeveness Ancient
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    By the way i think I'm going to contact my real dad he may have money, he may have a good lifestyle but, if this keeps up I really need him right now.
  13. skaterdude770

    skaterdude770 Ancient
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    Maybe you should...What's wrong with talking to your dad? He can't be that bad.
  14. Steeveness

    Steeveness Ancient
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    Well, you don't know him but your right he's not actually as bad as derek its just my mum back when I was young kind of made him sound terrible obv because they were splitting up but... I really believed here as in swore by it, now I'm wiser I realise
  15. Lt PO0N NZ

    Lt PO0N NZ Ancient
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    Parents can make each other seem like a demon (No, I'm an aethiest).
    I never had a problem with my parents breaking up, so for that I am lucky. I feel for you.
    Good luck with what ever you choose to do.
  16. Steeveness

    Steeveness Ancient
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    Thanks dude.. and your right my mum makes my real dad seem like a monster, and my real dad says the same thing about my mum.. it puts me in an extremely difficult situation and this whole step dad thing is making it a ****ing hell of alot worse.
  17. Stoj

    Stoj Ancient
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    That sounds incredi-f**king-harsh, I feel for you.

    I can not imagine the hysteria if my parents split I wish you the best of luck in whatever you do. :)

    That child abuse doesn't sound too good either. >.<
  18. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    What I would do is, tell your mum whats going on and how you feel if this is happening to your sister as well get her to come with you. If you can get advice from your real dad on how to deal with the situation. But by all means do not argue with derek because that will make the situation worse.
  19. Dizfunky

    Dizfunky Ancient
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    ...Wow, Steve.

    I feel sorry for you, I never knew you had it this bad. I haven't been through something like this, but I can imagine what it's like having that kind of step-dad... D:
  20. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    go to church and ask a pasture. thats the best possible advice i can give you. it makes a lot of difference if the good lord blesses you with guidence, showing you the path to true happiness.

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