Debate evolution

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ezekeil20five17, Jun 24, 2008.

  1. many popes

    many popes Ancient
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    I see religion as being symbolic about everything. I don't quite know how creating the world in 7 days can symbolise anything but wtf. Anyway this is turning into a god damn R.E lesson and I must escape.
  2. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    7 Days?

    You can't have it both ways. Science is in direct conflict with the bible. There are many examples of this, but only one is needed to disprove the bible. The bible says that THE EARTH WAS CREATED IN 7 DAYS. It most certainly was not. The Grand Canyon took millions of years to form as the Colorado River cut through it. The Rocky Mountains are on two plates that have pushed together over millions of years to form. The planet formed the same way planets and stars continue to form in the universe. Gas and heavier materials are attracted to each other over immense periods of time into larger and larger objects. You can say that this is not in conflict with god as the spark that started these natural proccesses, but you can not claim that it does not conflict with the bible's historic timeline of events. The Earth was not created in 7 Days and I would love to hear any argument that is was.
    thesilencebroken and G043R like this.
  3. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Seems some one has a good point... till you see.. a verse in the bible...

    A year is a thousand years and a thousand years in a year..... (can't remember the verse of the top of my head but its there again)... IN context its saying time has no meaning to god... as well 7 days to god isn't 7 days to us... it could be 7 days our time takes so much longer for god go threw just the same ... or a thousand years to god could be a year to him... I mean time frame doesn't really come to mind when you see good... or how the world works... I mean time is just a linking of events from one point to another... I mean still again how do you know how old the rocks are? was it carbon dating again saying it this old? or was it something like rock layers and moved over an amount of time... because for the grand cannon i thought it was formed more off of running water..over such an amount of time...
    #123 G043R, Jul 2, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2008
  4. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Even if the time line fits, the events are out of order.

    But this hardly has anything to do with evolution.
  5. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Logic Leaping

    Forget carbon dating. I know that some people choose not to accept this scientific method. If the bible is a historical documentation of how the Earth was created, if it is in fact the word of god himself, why not give it to us straight. If the Earth took him 172,004,892 years to create, why say it took 7 days and then add a clause that says 7 days may = 172,004,892 years or 2 hours in "God Time". Your'e reaching for a crumbling ledge. The hubble telescope is capturing images elsewhere in our galaxy of stars and planets in the process of forming out of condensed gas remaining from the death and explosion of former stars. This is how planets form, and it takes time......a lot of it. The other hugely glaring problem I see with creationist views is that there is no talk about how the universe was "created". The earth is a small spec in this universe and if god made the entire universe just so there could be one one one solar system, why is there no mention of the universe's creation in the bible? Answer = The people who wrote the bible had no idea what the universe was. God wasted an awful lot of space creating things trillions of light years away, that we will never interact with, just so we could be tested for our place in the afterlife. It's like creating a forged map the size of 100,000,000,000 Sandtraps and then blocking it off so that people can only play team pistols on a section half the size of Blackout. God must be an idiot forger.
    squidhands likes this.
  6. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I have to say... I loved the sand trap point you made..but look at Black out... It literally is that big... but we can't touch any of it... in that case bungie was stupid not to let us use it... and who said we were goods own forge project? I mean... lets just say... he is just as big an Aesthetic map maker as he is a balance game play maker... lol...

    Also as a side not Nitrous is right this isn't about evolution... this is about god and such... I just saying the argument of god not existing isn't prove by evolution... and you can't use the bible as a defense against the theory of evolution... I keep pointing that out...
  7. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Must talk bible

    You can't debate evolution without bringing up religion as it is the other side of the argument. I am not anti-god. I am anti-religion and against the bible as an historical document. In an earlier post you were trying to make room for both of them to be true. I'll like what you said about god focusing on balanced game play. If there is a god that is the one I would like. Someone who tweaked the initial game settings creating the rules for the laws of physics and not a map maker. The map makes itself in this case.
  8. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Well there is 15 pages of this stuff that I am too lazy to read it all.

    I don't accpet evolution as fact. In all honesty evolution is a very broad subject to debate with evidence interpreted differently on both sides.
  9. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    DRiSCOLL likes this.
  10. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    I sound like a complete nerd by saying im interested in stuff like evolution. It is really interesting though. I'm non-religious and i completely agree with evolution and i even have to say that i understood some of the stuff u said.

    My question is:
    What we evolve into in a millions of years time? (that is if we do not start a nuclear war and kill ourselves)

    They say we only use a tenth of our brains potential and in millions of years certain connections in the brain may remain instead of being broken and lost. Mind powers would be cool. By the way, if you watch the TV Show Heroes, it's pretty unrealistic but fun to watch, anyone agree?
  11. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    OMG, this thread is still alive.
  12. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I gotta go with the Intelligent Design theory. Sometime had to start it, but there are too many similarities to ignore evolution. For example, evolution in two species of squirrels that were once one, but separated by speciation through the development of the grand canyon to a point at which they were no longer able to cross and eventually grew into separate species with no possibility to interbreed. There are too many examples like this, where DNA is so linked for us to ignore evolution.
  13. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    This doesn't mean much to me, again this is a broad subject to discuss. I don't intend on writing why I believe and accept what I do, becuase many of you will not understand and think me unreasonable. Others will be prideful in what I say.

    I think that it is uneccesary to debate this topic, at least on an internet forum. To truly be able to discuss this properly you need to investigate it for yourselves and experience it firsthand. Not to say that I have, but I feel very informed.

    At this point I feel emotionless towards this subject because it saddens me. (Whoops, oxymoron!) When viewing this debate all I see is hate. Hate for a difference in the way we all see the world. Hate on both sides.

    Anyways, I want you all to know where I stand. I hope that these debates don't affect people's friendships because that is not why we are all here. We're here to play some Halo, now let's play despite our differences.
    #133 rusty eagle, Jul 18, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2008
    Pegasi and G043R like this.
  14. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    I strongly believe in evolution and look down on religion fanatics. Things evolve according to their surroundings. If god did it he would have perfected the species. Sure i believe in god, he may have created the initial life forms but they had Evolution: The happening!!!!! But im not sure if I can buy the fact on heaven and hell.

    I think we might eventually evolve into something else or eventually into nothing like human (like cyborgs) But not entirely into machines.
    #134 Willmatic, Jul 18, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2008
  15. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Your statement here suggest self evolution not natural..but w/e

    I am no longer commenting on this thread. I am +reping Rusty and leaving.
    I leave in the hopes, that I showed no anger, hate or any of the like of negative of others points of view..but I ask it as well...

    btw no sigs Rusty
  16. flaming omelet

    flaming omelet Ancient
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    That's called adaptation and is different than evolution.

    I will say that i am 100% for creation and that i have no strong hatred for evolutionists what so ever. I think that evolution is man trying to come up with an explanation on his own for why life began; which might make him feel better now, but he'll regret sooner or later. There is just too much spotty evidence and not enough fact for me to even begin to believe evolution. However, there is plenty of evidence that makes sense and supports creation but just gets discarded because it's "religous".
    #136 flaming omelet, Jul 18, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2008
  17. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Then why bump the thread?

    To be honest, AP Biology does not make you informed. If you doubt the theory of evolution, it is not because of the theory's flaws, it is because of your own ignorance of the subject. Personal feelings do not constitute fact.

    If I may delve a little deeper into your psyche, is it a religious block that keeps you from the desire to understand? What does evolution take from god or from the importance of yourself?
  18. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    Okay, now I've debated this topic a whole lot. From a religious viewpoint and a anti-religious viewpoint. However, the standpoint I tend to agree with is the logical one. The one that works for both the religious and non-religious standpoints.

    Now, assuming that there is a judeo-christian god, I find evolution to be a completely logical and possible theory (according to the bible). I mean, it said god made the earth in seven days. If you take the word "day" literal then yes, evolution is impossible. However if you look at the process that follows these seven days (of genesis), it almost fully aligns itself with the evolutionary theory. Now, with that in mindthe argument against evolution all hinges on translation. The word "day" is the only thing keeping evolution from being a complete possibility. Now, assuming the bible is divinely inspired, there were a few translations to get from god to your modern-day king james bible. There's the translation from god to abraham. There's the translation from the original transcript (which was more than likely just oral tradition rather than actually written) to the dead sea scrolls (which could be more than just one translation) then to the king james. That is a lot of translation, now I'm not saying that the bible lost all its literality in translation, however just one word slightly changed over hundreds of years and at least 4 translations seems like a high possibility. So if your only argument against evolution is the "seven days" of genesis, I'd say that's a pretty flemsy one at best. Now, realize that the bible in no way says "the earth is 5000 years old" or "evolution wasn't true" that's just an inferance based on the "seven days."

    Now, why I think that evolution flows perfectly with an omnipotent being without undermining the being's omnipotence (why I believe evolution supports an allpowerful being rather than making him less powerful). If you think about it logically, what seems as though it takes more insight, more power. Making a bunch of pre-programmed, stagnant beings and letting them just duke it out till you feel that it's time to stop it or creating these ever-changing beings that grow, that learn from their environment, their experiences and improve. If anything, saying that god's creativity, that god's power only extends to creating stand-alone, never-changing beings, undermines his omnipotence.

    And, if you're not relgious, I mean, what else can you believe aside from evolution, no need to argue that...
    #138 haruki jitsunin, Jul 19, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2008
  19. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    It's my opinion on the matter and I think it needs to be stated.

    Yes I have taken AP Biology and that is not the only place I have heard of evolution. I have known of evolution for as long as most public schoolers have. Do not assume that becuase I recieve a private education that I am ignorant of these matters.

    What is it Nitrous that you would like me to delve into?

    My faith drives me too understand.
  20. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Then why do you reject what is plain, logical, and understandable. It's not a hard theory to grasp. Many concepts are, but the theory as a whole is pretty straight forward. Small changes over long periods of time. Similarly, you will never notice yourself getting older in a mirror, but in 50 years you will look back at yourself and reminisce. How did it happen? Did you blink? Small change over a long period of time. A constant building and building and building.

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