***Please Post If You Download*** D.L. Tele Horror Map ***must be played with gamytype*** D.L. Tele-Horror Game Type This is my first mini-game map which also happens to be my first Infection style map I have spent a lot of time designing, creating, testing, and recreating I have put a lot of thought into every detail of this map everything is placed as best as I possibly could I would like to thank all the testers from United We Forge you all know who you are! The objective of the game is to stay alive for 5 min Humans Spawn on the ground level The ground level has no real cover so keep moving and move fast The zombie will spawn in one of 4 cages which are hovering over the playing field Zombies spawn with poor camo and are caged in throughout the match but they can move from cage to cage via teleportals If a human is killed he will return as a zombie and spawn in one of the four cages on the ground level Humans can take gravlifts and mancannons that will shoot them into teleportalsThe teleportals will lead you to various weapons, sheilds, and power ups All weapons and power ups placed for humans are in mid air and have a fast respawn time but the weapons are equipped with limited amo this will force humans to take the gravlifts and mancannons to replenish their amo inventory number of players: As many as you can get Weapons: Carbine Rockets Covenant Sniper Brute Shot Battle Riffle Spartan Laser Sentinel Beam Fuel Rod Plasma Turret Equipment: Overshield Bubble Shield Deployable Cover Custom power up ( Custom power ups will boost your speed but in turn also brings your health down dramatically) Plasma Grenades Grenades Fire Bombs Spike Grenade This map has been brought 2 u by DIVISION 69 D.L. Tele Horror Map ***must be played with gamytype*** D.L. Tele-Horror Game Type check out my other great maps Claustrophobia F.U.B.A.R. Core Barrier Tower 1 4Runner Some feed back would be appreciated. Thanks
whoah, my brain exploded. looks like its crazy in game, but its hard to tell the layout from the pics in the first screen. they are really smushed together and hard to look at. otherwise looks awesome with amazing interlocking 4.5/5
With a map that looks that chaotic I have to downl;oad! You sir have posting skillz I love how made your pics. I wish I knew how to do that :-( Great map though looks very fun 5/5
Pretty good. I still don't fully understand the point of the game, but it looks really nice and it seems to play out well in ur pics. which i also can barely understand. but this is more than likely due to my own slowness. but yeah the map looks great.
wow dude.. nice map this looks pretty flawless and very well created and laid-out, plus i really want to know how you did the picture thing please give me a msg on what program or website you used to do that. you get some +rep too for all the effort put into this map and presentation. keep up the good forging
thanks for the comments guys the reason behind that is the first pics are only of the four cages that the zombie spawns in and there really not much to look at so i decided to put them all together and the i seperated the ground level into several pics so u could get a better feel of the layout if your a zombie kill the humans if your human stay alive for five min its that easy Adobe PhotoShop and a AA in graphic design
Holy teleporters, Batman! I believe the title of the map should be more like crazo insano fun blasters supreme! Nice job awesome concept looks like pure insanity!
pure insanity it looks as like u could have alot of fun playing on this map, if u would like me and my review crew could review it for u
Crazy map, the last pic looks like insanity!! Cool idea and good execution. There is some good interlocking and some creative features. Good map.
right on matt let me know how u like it after u play a couple remember the more people u have the crazier the game
Wow, this looks VERY chaotic, which means it would be amazing for bigger parties. This looks so fun, I'm going to download it, forgethrough and get a big party together and play this. this looks great.
looks INSANE, I will dl but I will have to pray that my idiot friends have taste for maps and gametypes like this
your on your own with that one gamertag" le610n x if u every see me on X.B.L. send me a invite ill be glade to play