This Mini Game Map is a large container with every man canon and grav lift you can place in the middle. You start out in a box with a mongoose in it you get into the mongoose and you dive into this moshpit of man canons and grav lifts and everyone gets tossed around the container. 1-8 Players. Oh ya i forgot to mention that there are tons of objects and vehicles flying around with you like forklifts, soccer balls, and crates. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing -------------------------------------------------------------
This doesn't seem very fun, while I'm sure it would cause a few laughs at first it would get pretty boring. Seems pointless, No offense. 1/5 Keep forging though!
looks OK for 5 mins of fun, but with some more advanced things, like a mongoose instead, it would actually be fun, and a minigame could be, that there is a guy at the bottom shooting lets....say....sniper, and its an infection game like hobo hights, but different! 2/5
How is that fun? I mean really, explain it to me. This has been done thousands of times, and I still don't get the point. Very unoriginal, and a little stoopid. EDIT: To all of you who throw up your hands and say OMG BAD REP NOW! Read my second comment. I'm not a spammer. I take the time to come back and read, edit, and furthermore prove people wrong with puzzled looks on their faces as I do tend to use more than four letter words. I bad rep stupidity and ignorance.
bumper cars should have some meaning to it. such as you fall off anarea you somehow die. that would be interesting
I made two points there. 1. It is beyond unoriginal. 2. I don't think that watching objects go flying everywhere is fun. I was not "playahating" as you said in the bad rep you gave me, I was telling him the two facts above. I'm sure you agree with the two points too because you actually agreed with what I said in your comment. As long as I give a reason (which i gave two) I've posted a legitimate response to as why I do not like the map. Read these two comments Obviously other people agree with me because they are all saying the exact same thing in a different context because they did not feel like speaking up and making a true point. I bet you didn't give THEM bad rep, even though they said THE EXACT SAME THING. Every single one of you who are treating my last post as a spam or "playahater" <-WTF? you are wrong. You obviously are easily pleased and pouting about the fact that I do not think the same. This is not; i and other forgers are not happy with people who post same map ideas repeatedly that quite frankly are not "maps" in the first place. Go ahead, give me bad rep. You are just furthermore proving to yourself you are an easily pleased infant.
It looks like it would be a bit of a mess to be honest. it would probably be a bit of a laugh for a few minutes, like 'washing machine', but it gets boring quickly. And I don't really see how its much of a mini-game.
dont listen to ZAnder hes not theat type of guy that likes these kind of Pointless maps but me and my cuzion enjoyed it 3/5 xD
Sorry, but it doesn't look like a very good game. Try to put more thought into your games than "I'm gonna have all the crap I can fly around at the same time". I will admit, it'd probably be funny for a minute or two, though.
This seems like a lot of fun for 5 mins .. It reminds me of the map Hurricane Katrina but that could last for ages .. Good try though and keep forging!