I really hope that Batman doesnt become like that. It is perfect the way it is. The new style they've created is almost flawless.
Already done. I really enjoyed the 2nd Spiderman film. I thought it was much improved from the first, and I really liked the villain, although the Green Goblin is still cooler. Stay far away from the 3rd film. I have never disliked a film so much...it had so much potential....and failed in every aspect possible. I was really dissapointed with how the series ended....
mustve been automatic, cause i didnt touch jack. you'll notice i rarely even capitolized ANY of my words. lol
If we've all seen TDK, could we move our discussion into the (spoilers) thread so that we may discuss Batman without limits.
Bleh, I hated Spiderman 3, and I tried so hard to like it. Emo Spiderman and that idiotic dance number was the equivalent of nipples on the Bat-suit. Another thing that irked me about that movie was by showing me that even in his crappy dialogue, Topher Grace should have been cast as Peter Parker. The one thing that always acted like a thorn in my side was the lack of good smart-ass banter. Topher pulled it off very well, and his character was very poorly written unless he was Venom. I can't even bring myself to watch it on cable after that first viewing. It's so sad because I love Spiderman and totally went fanboy on the first two movies. EDIT: *sniff* I'll just be here all alone watching the Watchmen trailer...
Is it odd you pretty much have the same opinion as me about Spiderman 3? Topher shouldn't have been cast as Venom....and I disagree with having 3 villains in the movie.....what were they thinking?
Nope. Just means we have good taste sir. ;-) Yeah, the Sandman was totally unnecessary. Along with so much else in that flick. I was so disappointed that it made the money it did. I'm afraid no lessons were learned.
O sorry Linu I first came to this thread at like 10 hours ago and it said (spoilers) so I guess I didnt realize the name change but Linubidix dont you agree with me on what I said?
Oh I see now that is thread that I had posted in lol. O.k. hey Linubidix hey saw it for the first time today and a half hour through the movie, the Fire alarm went off at the movie theatre I was at. which every seat was filled in the theatre I was in. So I gots 4 free tickets since that is how many people I was with. So I am going to go see it again.