huh?? i said i PREFER dc's villians... minus some of marvels. Venom and Carnage of course. and i think the Green Goblin is memorable. theres others i dont care for... the vulture the lizard kraven etc
i think the lizard was Krok. think that was his name anyway.. he was a doctor before the accident or whatever (arent they all)
No I wasnt trying to be smug or anything. You just named possibly my favourite Marvel Character, Venom.
meh, they're all pretty cheesy, considering the time when they were created. All of the good ones were created long, long ago, when times were simpler and alliteration was the "it" thing to use. Villians didn't need to be anything more than a regular punching bag for the (equally lame) heroes. There's been a few good writers recently that have been able to breathe some fresh air into these old fogeys, none more so than Alan Moore with his interpretation of The Joker in The Killing Joke, and was an inspiriation for Heath to play the part (as well as Jeph Loeb's The Long Halloween, get off your asses and read them now).
Hmm, I think someone should make a DC vs. Marvel thread. :squirrel_giggle: I have a question about TDK. Are the fight scenes shot better? In Batman Begins, the fight scenes were too close and cut too quickly.
The Kingpin does double duty between Spidey and Daredevil. Electro Doctor Octopus The Rhino I'm going to stop now because I'm geeking out too much. Let's not forget that The Punisher was introduced as a Spiderman villian.
Really, I forgot about the punisher. and to PaperThinWalls, the fight scenes are better but not a whole lot different. In every action movie now the camera is constantly shaking so that the hits dont have to look as real.
i disliked all of those ones as well. and the lizards real name is Dr. Connors. He's a professor at Peter's college, and gets mutated trying to grow back his mangled arm. and they constantly mix the fantastic four and xmen into spidermans world too.
honestly, batman is by far the most engaging superhero.. and his villains are the most believably scary out of any set of villains. I used to live for after-school cartoons of The Adventures of Batman & Superman, about 8 or so years ago. It was on the WB, and they would basically switch batman and superman episodes like every other day. I do love Superman as well, Im a huge Smallville fan. Great show, but its not really one you can pick up in the middle and just start watching (kinda like LOST)
i agree about the villians. batman definately has superior villians. they are realistic, and that makes it scarier. i do wish the people who did these batman movies wouldve thrown this darker, realistic spin on the spiderman movies. i love the spiderman movies, and they were, for the most part, very well done, but they left me wishing for the more dark and real story behind it... not Parker dancing around with an emo haircut... 2 was rather great though.
I havent seen Spiderman 3, whenever I go to hire it, the person I'm with just kinda goes "really?" and that puts me off.
yeh, put it back on the shelf.. there are far better options, lol. Frankly Spider-man 2 and 3 sucked. 1 was pretty good, but they butchered the other ones.
i disagree. Spiderman 2 was possibly the greatest superhero movie ever made until today, when The Dark Knight was released. Spiderman 3 was, yes, a little disappointing in contrast to the previous two, but i disagree that its not worth seeing. it had some very excellent parts. They just added on some hollywood lame to appease the general audience like they do in most movies.